Specification U100 | MSI Global - The Leading Brand in High-end …
Equipped with high resolution webcam, high-performance 2 channel stereo speakers, and microphone, all fitted perfectly within the framework design, expressing the slickness of technology and the elegance of modern fashion. Web-chats can be broadcasted instantly not missing one exciting moment.
U100 - MSI
As a world leading gaming brand, MSI is the most trusted name in gaming and eSports. We stand by our principles of breakthroughs in design, and roll out the amazing gaming gear like motherboards, graphics cards, laptops and desktops.
Specification U100 Plus | 微星科技 - 高階電競及專業創作的領導 …
Wind U100 PLUS uses a 10" wide LCD display as oppose to the typical smaller sizes to provide better comfort while viewing or reading. In addition, the 1024x 600 resolution can relief concerns of the full display of WebPages while browsing, giving …
微星U100 - 百度百科
微星U100作为一款便携的上网小本,续航时间肯定是要有一些亮点的,我们来看,微星U100配备的是一块6芯11.1V 4400mAh的锂离子电池,测试中,我们把屏幕亮度调到了70%,打开了无线和蓝牙,并把电池设置到在电量剩余10%时警报的状态,通过测试,微星U100的续航 ...
最低仅4399 微星10寸 Atom新机U100详细评测_其他_太平洋电脑 …
2008年6月13日 · 微星MSI U100正式上市将发售2个版本,采用Linux系统的版本配置1.6GHz Atom处理器,512MB内存,80GB硬盘,3芯锂电池,目前国外售价约399美金,约合人民币 ...
MSI U100 直上SSD+Win7+舊硬碟沿用! - Mobile01
2013年12月29日 · u100安裝win7來跑其實還滿順的,尤其是msi本來就提供win7的驅動程式,這可以省去很多精神來煩腦; 順帶一提,U100是女友的,所以其實我是打工的…
MSI 輕省筆電開路先鋒 Wind NB U100 實測 - 3C科技新聞 | ePrice
在 Computex 08 展前就露臉的 Wind U100,是 MSI 加入輕省筆電戰局的首發產品,而且還是比 Eee Pc 1000 還要早一步發表的 10 吋 Netbook 機種。 在圓滑的外表下;不論是機身的線條設計、體積與重量,都可以用中規中矩來形容,和同等級的對手 Eee Pc 1000H 相比也不見劣勢。
賀!MSI U100入手~我的第一台小筆電~ - Mobile01
2009年4月1日 · 最近買了生平第一台筆電,正式加入了u100行列,在板上潛水很久,看到許多網友大大的分享,所以也來跟大家分享一下我新機入荷的喜悅~買這台筆電已經考慮了一個多月,遲遲無法下手。
MSI Wind U100 Review - Digital Trends
2019年8月23日 · The Wind is MSI’s freshman effort in the emerging subnotebook genre, but the company has managed to run with the best of them by offering a 10-inch display, a fast and efficient Intel Atom ...
MSI Wind U100 review - TechRadar
2009年3月27日 · To support this market, Intel has now released its Atom processor, designed specifically for such laptops and the MSI Wind U100 is the first machine we've seen sporting the new chip. In style,...
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