Mt. San Jacinto College
Mt. San Jacinto College provides an ever-growing number of educational opportunities for the diverse communities we serve.
MSJC Single Sign-On - Mt. San Jacinto College
Oops! You are trying to access a service that has moved. MSJC has transitioned to a new Single Sign-On Portal at Microsoft 365 My Apps (https://myapps.microsoft.com).
Canvas for Students - Mt. San Jacinto College
Type msjc.instructure.com into a web browser. At the login page enter your MSJC login credentials. Your credentials are the same as the ones used with EagleAdvisor.
Mt. San Jacinto College - Wikipedia
Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) is a public community college in Riverside County, California. It is part of the California Community College system and consists of four locations: San Jacinto (San Jacinto Campus), Menifee (Menifee Valley Campus), Banning (San Gorgonio Pass Campus) and Temecula (Temecula Valley Campus). [3]
Mt. San Jacinto College Catalog 2024-2025
Catalog information, together with other matters contained herein, are subject to change without notice by the administration of Mt. San Jacinto College for reasons related to student enrollment, level of financial support, or for any other reason at the discretion of the college.
About MSJC - Mt. San Jacinto College
MSJC’s purpose is to provide an accessible education, to instill hope, and to empower our students to transform their lives and those around them. We provide equity-minded education to combat systemic barriers, promote social mobility, and …
Course Catalog - Self-Service
Search for courses and course sections at Mt. San Jacinto College.
Enroll at MSJC - Mt. San Jacinto College
MSJC's Enrollment Services Department provides numerous services to students and members of the community.
Admissions Requirements - Mt. San Jacinto College
Submit an MSJC Application for Admission (first semester only or if returning and missed more than one primary semester). All students must complete online orientation (first semester only).
MySJC Home | Login| Portal | San Juan College
MySJC for Employees MySJC for Employees provides resources for quick access to personal information, teaching tools, forms, software, and training for all San Jan College employees. Log in to Stay up-to-date with what is happening around campus with employee announcements, events, and IT alerts. Find forms, resources, handbooks, online training, and department …