HPE StoreEver MSL6480 磁带库 | 慧与 | OID5386549
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 磁带库提供 13 个磁带盒插槽,或者每个 1U 机架空间可达 585 TB(使用 LTO-9 磁带机),实现中端磁带库中较高的单模块磁带机密度,为您提供有助于开展业务的灵活选项。
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library | HPE Store US
The HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library is the gold standard for mid-range tape automation, delivering best-in-class scalability, density, and performance to meet your short-term backup and disaster recovery data protection needs, as well as long-term archival requirements. Keep pace with data growth by seamlessly scaling up to seven modules ...
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library | Product Support
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library: Access product support documents and manuals, software, download drivers by operating environment, and view product support videos.
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library User and Service Guide
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library User and Service Guide Abstract This guide provides information on installing, configuring, upgrading, and troubleshooting the library.
HPE StoreEver磁带库-数据备份与保护-新华三集团-H3C
借助MSL2024的免工具磁带驱动器升级快速增加容量和/或改进性能,或者将磁带驱动器套件移动到MSL3040/MSL6480,实现磁带库的可扩展性和附加的企业级功能。 易于使用和管理. 借助独特的 HP Web 远程管理和诊断工具,可从室内或全球任意位置管理、配置和使用 MSL 磁带库。 从单一控制窗口使用 Command View 磁带库 (CV-TL) 管理多个 HP StoreEver 磁带库. 借助 1 个标准条形码阅读器和多个 12 插槽可拆卸磁带匣,HP StoreEver MSL Tape Library 可轻松管理磁带 …
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library data sheet - PSNow
This data sheet provides detailed information about HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Tape Library
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Scalable Expansion Module
Scale vertically from 80 to 560 cartridge slots to store up to 25.2 PB in a single 19-inch rack; add in between 1 to 42 LTO-9, LTO-8, LTO-7 or LTO-6 half-height SAS or Fibre Channel (FC) drives for speeds of up to 60.4 TB/hour. You can easily manage expansion module installations as they are simple to configure and remove.
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Scalable Base Module - 服务器网
HPE StoreEver MSL6480磁带库提供13个磁带盒插槽,即使用LTO-9驱动器的每1U机架空间最多585TB,同时提供了所有中端磁带库中每个模块最高的磁带驱动器密度,为您的业务提供了灵活的选择。
hp storeever msl6480 磁带库 - 豆丁网
Feb 6, 2015 · HPStoreEverMSL6480磁带库是中端磁带自动化的黄金标准,它提供了下一代可扩展性、密度和性能,能够满足您的短期备份和灾难恢复数据保护需求,以及长期归档需求。 通过在单个磁带库中无缝扩展至3.5PB,可以与数据增长保持同步,同时不中断任何日常数据保护。 StoreEverMSL6480磁带库所提供的每1U机架空间存储密度在中端磁带库中是最高的,可以为您节省宝贵的空间。 StoreEverMSL6480磁带库减少了实现企业级可管理性所需的时间和资源,使 …
HPE StoreEver MSL6480 磁带库 - 规格 | 慧与 | OID5386549
购买 HPE StoreEver MSL6480 磁带库,这款理想的中档磁带自动化解决方案具有出色的可扩展性和性能。 了解 MSL6480 的价格、功能和规格。 - 规格 | 慧与