Uniformly Ultimately Bounded Tracking for Uncertain Euler …
2017年7月1日 · Provided the bound of the delay is known, suffi- cient gain conditions are derived and uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) tracking result is obtained using a suitable choice of L-K functionals. To demonstrate the performance and robustness of controller, an illustrative example of an uncertain E-L system with unknown input delay is considered.
Reinforcement Learning-Based Output Feedback Control of …
Using the Lyapunov approach, the uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the state estimation errors, the tracking errors and weight estimates is shown. A novel neural network (NN) -based output feedback controller with magnitude constraints is designed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of multi-input-multi-output (MIMO ...
On uniform ultimate boundedness of linear systems with time …
2019年5月15日 · This paper is devoted to a problem of uniform ultimate boundedness (UUB) for a class of linear systems with interval time-varying delays and peak-bounded disturbances. By using the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method, a general UUB condition and an estimation of the ultimate bound on system trajectories are developed.
Reinforcement Learning-Based Output Feedback Control of …
The magnitude constraints are manifested as saturation nonlinearities in the output feedback controller design. Using the Lyapunov approach, the uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the state estimation errors, the tracking errors and weight estimates is shown.
Adaptive Interleaved Reinforcement Learning: Robust Stability of …
The performance evaluation and control policy update combined with neural networks approximation are alternately implemented at each time step for solving a simplified Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation such that the uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) stability of DT affine nonlinear systems can be guaranteed, allowing for all realization ...
"Uniform Ultimate Boundedness of Probe-to-probe Dynamics in …
A theorem is proposed for uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) stability of switched systems under a sequence nonincreasing condition and applied to the DP-AFM problem. Atomic force microscopes use a probe to interface with matter at the nanoscale through a variety of imaging or manipulation methods.
Neural Network-Based Control of Nonlinear Discrete-Time …
By using gradient descent-based novel weight updating rules, the uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking error and weight estimates is shown. Original language American English
The Boundedness Conditions for Model-Free HDP(λ) - scholarsmine.mst…
In this paper, we prove its uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) property under certain conditions. Previous works present a UUB proof for traditional HDP [HDP ( λ =0 )], but we extend the proof with the λ parameter.
the classic Lyapunov’s method is explored to analyze the uniformly ultimate boundedness stability (UUB) solely based on data without using a mathematical model. It is further shown how RL with UUB guarantee can be applied to control dynamic systems with safety constraints.
Measurement Science and Technology - IOPscience
Launched in 1923 Measurement Science and Technology was the world's first scientific instrumentation and measurement journal and the first research journal produced by the Institute of Physics. It covers all aspects of the theory, practice and application of measurement, instrumentation and sensing across science and engineering.
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