Michigan Flyer | Michigan Bus to Detroit Metro Airport
We offer frequent, daily roundtrips by luxury motorcoach between East Lansing, Brighton, Ann Arbor, and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. These shuttles connect mid-Michigan with the world, and our state's two largest universities—MSU and U-M—with one another.
Downloads | MSU Brand Studio - Michigan State University
Download MSU logos, marks, graphic elements, color palette and templates here. Access to these files is limited to faculty and staff of Michigan State University. Student employees requiring asset files for their work should ask their supervisor to download the necessary files.
Templates & Tools for MSU Extension - ANR Communications
2020年9月17日 · If you are working on materials that require this language, please use the General MSU Extension Flyers – Event/Programs templates below. Each of the following templates includes three different color options, in addition to a 4-H branded option.
Poster & Flyer Templates - College of Arts & Letters
2025年3月17日 · Flyer Template 1 University Green Click to Download Flyer Template 2 University Green Click to Download Flyer Template 3 University Green Click to Download Flyer Template 4 University Green Click to Download Flyer Template 5 …
Fares - Michigan Flyer
Michigan Flyer offers travel pass options for people who travel frequently between East Lansing and Ann Arbor or East Lansing and Detroit Metro Airport. Each pass starts on the selected date and is valid for 30 or 60 consecutive days depending on the pass.
Travel and accommodations | Visit | Michigan State University
The MSU campus is a 15-minute drive from Capital Regional International Airport. Taxicab service costs approximately $15. It is a 75-minute drive from Detroit Metro Airport. The Michigan Flyer Airport Shuttle offers bus transportation to East Lansing for approximately $30. Buses run several times a day, and travel takes approximately two hours.
底特律大都会机场 (底特律机场dtw)距离msu 校区有75 分钟车程。 密歇根州的机场班车 (Michigan Flyer)以32 美元的价格提供前往东兰辛(East Lansing)的巴士。
University Outreach and Engagement - Fact Sheets
The following list outlines fact sheets, flyers, and brochures published by University Outreach and Engagement, and contains links to these informational materials. Staff presentation slides and other outreach and engagement related documents are available elsewhere in this Web site.
Click the image icon in the center of the large grey box to locate an image on your computer and place it in the flyer. After your image is placed, when it is selected, use the options in the hovering menu at the bottom of the image to crop, resize, and reposition your image.
CSTAT Flyer | Center for Statistical Training and Consulting
Collaborate with biostatistics experts globally on different statistics topics such as initial data analysis, missing data, variable selection, causal inference, survival analysis, high dimensional data analysis, and data visualization.