Mobile Task Forces - SCP Foundation
2025年1月16日 · Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units composed of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed.
Mobile Task Forces | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are a type of Task Force that is deployed to contain, combat, and/or protect anomalies and Groups of Interest. Each task force is made up of highly-trained Foundation operatives with skill sets valuable for the purpose of the MTF.
A Comprehensive List of Mobile Task Forces - SCP Foundation
2025年3月7日 · More boffins than brawlers, a Research Task Force specialises in investigating either a single anomaly, suspected anomaly, or type of anomaly. As with NTF and PTF, they can be used interchangeably with MTF. Able to respond quickly to rapid threats within a very small time frame. Some are better suited for certain scenarios than others.
机动特遣队(Mobile Task Forces,MTF)是网络共笔科幻/怪谈体系《SCP基金会》虚构的下属武装力量,机动特遣队是基金会除了设施保安力量之外的主要战斗力量,同时也是其机动作战力量和主要的外部行动执行力量,因此机动特遣队完全由训练有素且拥有各种特殊 ...
Mobile Task Force - SCP: Secret Laboratory English Official Wiki
2024年12月23日 · The hierarchy of MTF ranks is as follows, starting at the top: MTF Captain --> MTF Sergeant --> MTF Specialist --> MTF Private. Despite not being MTF, Facility Guards are still consider apart of the ranking system, being placed below MTF Private.
Tau-5 "Samsara" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF τ-5 (Tau-5), nicknamed "Samsara", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that utilizes experimental weaponry to combat thaumaturgic, magical, and psionic threats. The main combat unit, Samsara Squad, is composed of four cybernetic clones constructed from …
MTF/Mobile Task Force - SCPF Special-Containment-Procedures …
MTF Alpha-0 is the MTF Overseer’s personal squad, Tipically dealing with Recontainment dangerous Keter- class anomalys. Tasked with recontaining [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] Equipment: [REDACTED]
Nu-7 "Hammer Down" - SCP Database Wiki
On 1 December 2020, a joint operation was conducted by MTF Gamma-44 "Whistle in the Woods" and AMTF Nu-7 to capture SCP-6644 in the Cherokee National Forest of Tennessee. This ended in complete failure, with multiple helicopters downed, 6 personnel killed, and 11 operatives wounded.
机动特遣队(MTF)是由从基金会各部门中抽调的人员组成的精英单位,调动以处理特殊威胁或某些时候超过普通外勤人员处理能力或专业范围的情况并——如它们的名字所示——可能在需要时会在设施或地点之间调动。 机动特遣队在基金会里代表“精英中的精英”。 机动特遣队的规模,构成和目标各不相同。 一个营级规模的战斗型特遣队被训练应对高侵略性个体,可能包含上百名士兵以及支援人员,车辆,和装备并能整个或部分部署到全球来处理威胁。 尽管如此,并非所有机动 …
Mobile Task Forces | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are groups and teams of SCP Foundation field agents, all of which are trained for handling various kinds of special missions for the Foundation. There are hundreds of MTFs, which all vary widely depending on what kind of operations they've been assigned with.
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