港鐵 > 港鐵路綫圖
大部份港鐵站內的大堂都設有街道圖,指示出港鐵站鄰近的酒店、文娛設施、購物中心、主要大廈及其最近港鐵站出入口。 站內也有位置圖指示站內設施。
MTR > System Map - 港铁
Please click the map below to view or download the PDF file. Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on most station concourses. Station layouts are also available.
Fast Exit - 港铁
Open the MTR route map to plan your journey and access various travel information instantly! Looking for the exit to get out in advance? The "Fast Exit" function in the "Trip Planner" shows you which specific train car and door number to board so you can reach your destination more quickly.
Category : Central Station (MTR) exits and entrances - Wikimedia
2018年8月9日 · Media in category "Central Station (MTR) exits and entrances" The following 158 files are in this category, out of 158 total.
觀塘站 | 香港鐵路大典 | Fandom
觀塘站是 觀塘綫 的 中途站,乘客可在此站乘搭 調景嶺 方向或 黃埔 方向的列車,往返將軍澳新市鎮、九龍東部及九龍中部等地。 每日00:30之後,下行班次以彩虹為尾站,不前往鑽石山至黃埔沿途各站。 在少於尾班車編定開出時間前5分鐘,乘客或會不能入閘。 最後一班上行列車於01:24抵達此站。 最後一班下行列車於01:22抵達此站。 欲查閱最新之服務時間資料,請參閱港鐵網頁之服務時間表。 每日00:30之後,下行班次以 彩虹 為尾站,不前往 鑽石山 至 黃埔 沿途各站。 在 …
Category : Tsim Sha Tsui Station exits and entrances - Wikimedia
2021年6月1日 · See also category: East Tsim Sha Tsui Station exits and entrances. This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total. The following 153 files are in this category, out of 153 total.
The Station with 27 Exits - HONGKONGUIDE
East Tsim Sha Tsui Station was opened in 2004 and connected with Tsim Sha Tsui Station, now they have 27 exits combined. Even if you stand in front of the directory you may still be confused. Therefore we have picked the most popular tourists spots with their closest exits for you.
High Speed Rail > Exit Information - MTR
Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on Hong Kong West Kowloon station concourse. Station layouts are also available. Location map: Download. Hong Kong West Kowloon Station Layout:
Hong Kong MTR: A guide to travelling around the city - Time Out
If you're unsure which exit to take, check Google Maps to identify your nearest exit, use the MTR mobile app for guidance, or simply ask for assistance at the Customer Service Centres located...
Hong Kong MTR: Ultimate guide for travellers - Lifestyle Asia …
2022年10月18日 · The city’s Mass Transit Railway (MTR) connects the urban areas of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories with 91 stations spread over 11 interlinking rail lines. But if you are unsure about navigating your way out in …