I don't understand the MV = PY - Economics Stack Exchange
MV = PY, here the Y is fixed since it's exogenous, and V is fixed for the convenience of computation, so M controls the P... Okay I get that part, but what I wonder is that, when you fix …
macroeconomics - Why in the quantitative equation: $MV=PY$, …
2021年4月22日 · Substitute 1/k for V in equation MV = YP to write the equivalent identity M/k = YP. Multiply both sides by k to write an equivalent identity M = kYP. Then if we let M and P …
How useful is the Fisher equation of exchange?
2022年1月4日 · However, it is not a tautology following rhetorical definition of tautology (used in propositional logic) as a statement that refers to itself repetitively (e.g. MV=PY is not the …
monetary-policy money-supply quantity-theory-of-money
2023年6月12日 · The problem stands with the fact that there is no consensus on the exacts definitions of one element in particular of the equation MV=PT or MV=PY- the T/Y value.
Differential form of the quantity theory of money
2020年12月22日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
How is the growth rate form of the exchange equation derived?
2016年2月9日 · $ MV=PY $ where, $ M $ is Quantity of Money $ V $ is Velocity of Money $ P $ is Price Level $ Y $ is Real GDP Could someone please share how the above common form of …
Imports/Exports in the equation of exchange
Mine is not an expert opinion, but just adding my thought since the question went unanswered. MV=PQ has got nothing to do with trade deficit. Nor the equation will be impacted by varying …
macroeconomics - What constraint is there on velocity of money ...
2022年6月9日 · MV = PY. I am trying to develop an intuitive understanding of it. M = Money Supply, V = Number of Transactions, P = Average Prices, Y = Output/Income. The equation …
inflation - What would cause the velocity of money (V) to increase ...
2019年11月21日 · Given that: MV=PY Or P = (M)(V) / Y Where M is the money supply, V velocity of money, P price level and Y real GDP Considering that the current rate of M2 is increasing at …
Newest 'quantity-theory-of-money' Questions - Economics Stack …
2023年6月12日 · What's exactly the T/Y value in the Quantity Theory of money simplified equation: MV=PT or MV=PY? I understood the basic fundamental principle of the theory, that …