MVM srl, manufacturer of Lapping machine, knife and blade …
MVM Srl is a leading manufacturer of grinding machines for industrial blades of all industries, like wood, paper, recycling, food, plastic, metal, ceramic, etc ... and is a recognized partner in grinding since 1959. The company has set itself the following key objectives: grinding precision; product reliability; competitive prices
MVM srl, 磨床 - 家用刀剪磨刀机 研磨机, 直刀片研磨机
MVM的核心价值观是尊重环境,以期在采购、生产、使用和后续处理的整个生产过程中实现高效率、低环境影响。 我们使用利用太阳能发电的光伏系统,这使我们能够显著减少二氧化碳的排放。 我们使用的水性涂料不需要用化学溶剂稀释,因此不会造成污染;我们使用过滤系统来改善设备中的空气质量;我们使用特殊的净化器来确保去除水中的污染物,从而使其变得易于处理或可重复使用。 我们安装运行需要很少电力的组件,例如永磁卡盘、高能效电机和调节电机功率的变频 …
MVM srl, Produzione di macchine rettificatrici e affilatrici per lame ...
La MVM Srl rappresenta un punto di riferimento mondiale nella produzione di macchine rettificatrici e affilatrici per lame industriali di qualsiasi settore legno, carta, riciclo, food, gomma, ristorazione etc... ed un riconosciuto partner nella consulenza di affilatura dal 1959.
Products - MVM S.r.l
MVM Srl industrial knife grinders for straight and circular blades of every dimension.
MVM SRL - Machines Italia
MVM Srl, together with two other German companies, is the only company that builds machines for the production or sharpening of every dimension of blades. Our grinders can be supplied in standard or custom versions which are compatible with the experience of …
研磨机 - MVM srl
MVM Srl 研磨机 磨床 - 家用刀剪磨刀机 研磨机, 直刀片研磨机 ... MVM S.r.l. Via del Progresso, 14 42015 Correggio (RE) Italy Ph. +39 0522 632266 Fax +39 0522 642011. mvmsrl mvmsrl it.
mvm srl的历史
mvm有限公司,位于意大利.雷焦艾米利亚省科雷吉奥市工业区内。 该公司在专业直刃刀片及圆形刀片刃磨设备领域具有超过60年经验。 公司以追求如下目标为己任:
Our History - MVM S.r.l
MVM Srl, situated in an industrial area in Correggio (RE) a world leader in the sharpening sector, founded in 1959 has been producing industrial knife grinders for straight and circular blades and beveled knives of all sizes for over 60 years.
MVM Srl - Lapping machine, knife and blade grinders and …
producing industrial knife grinders for straight and circular blades and beveled knives of all sizes for over 60 years. The company has set itself the following key objectives: grinding precision...
代表处 - mvmsrl.cn
代表处 MVM S.r.l., 磨床 - 家用刀剪磨刀机 研磨机, 直刀片研磨机.