Examples of the COND parameter - IBM
JOB1 restarts at PROCSTP2 as called by JOBSTEP. Because of the RESTART specification, PROCSTP2 is the first step in the job. The system evaluates the COND parameter for …
Step 1. allocate a data set to contain your JCL.....10 Step 2. edit the JCL data set and add the necessary JCL.....10
Name field.....70
JCL Tutorial
Job Control Language (JCL) is the command language of Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), which is the commonly used Operating System in the IBM Mainframe computers. JCL identifies the …
mainframe - What is MVS and JCL? - Stack Overflow
2018年10月12日 · MVS is the operating system for the IBM mainframe systems and JCL is the job control language for the mainframe. You could correlate MVS to Linux and JCL to Bash for …
JCL Tutorial - IBMMainframer
After completing the JCL tutorial, you will be able to: Explain the basics of JCL. Identify statements and parameters in JCL. Define JCL Procedures, Symbols and others. Describe the …
JCL 教程 - w3ccoo.com
作业控制语言 (JCL) 是多虚拟存储 (MVS) 的命令语言,MVS 是 IBM 大型机中常用的操作系统。 JCL 识别要执行的程序、所需的输入以及输入/输出的位置,并通过作业控制语句通知操作系统 …
presented in a companion book, OS/390 MVS JCL User's Guide, GC28-1758. Who Should Use This Book This book is needed by system and application programmers who enter programs …
JCL - Structure of JCL Statements - JCL Tutorial - IBMMainframer
JCL statements are coded in 80 bytes. 72 of the 80 columns are available to code JCL. Last 8 columns are reserved for an optional sequence number. Each JCL statement is divided into …
JCL - Examples - JCL Tutorial - IBMMainframer
JCL Tutorial - Listed some of the important JCL coding for practice. Modify this sample JCL's as per your requirement. TSO-ISPF JCL COBOL VSAM DB2 CICS IMS-DB Tools Articles Forum …