M21 | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The M21 is a sniper rifle featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, and making a brief cameo in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. It is a semi-automatic... For the variant known as "M21 EBR", see M14 EBR.
M21 sniper weapon system - Wikipedia
The M21 sniper weapon system (SWS) in the US Army is a national match grade M14 rifle, selected for accuracy, and renamed the M21 rifle. [7] The M21 uses a commercially procured 3–9× variable power telescopic sight, modified for use with the sniper rifle. [8] It is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge.
M21狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
1969年,陆军的岩岛兵工厂 (Rock Island Arsenal) 把 1,435支M14NM步枪改装成XM21狙 击步枪,并提供给在越南的美国陆军和海军陆战队的狙击手使用。 将 M14 步枪精确化主要是进行以下几项改进,首先当然是选用重型比赛枪管,其次是选用一个合适的瞄准镜,当然还要改进发射机构,因为一个平稳而敏感的扳机对于提高单发射击精度是极为重要的,最后就是选用精度高的枪弹, XM21 所配用的是盐湖城武器弹药厂生产的 M118 比赛弹,弹头得173格令,初速 810m/s,弹 …
M21狙击步枪 - 百度百科
1969年,陆军的岩岛兵工厂(Rock Island Arsenal)把1,435支M14NM步枪改装成XM21狙击步枪,并提供给在越南的美国陆军和海军陆战队的狙击手使用。 M14步枪精确化主要是进行以下几项改进,首先当然是选用重型比赛枪管,其次是选用一个合适的 瞄准镜,当然还要改进发射机构,因为一个平稳而敏感的扳机对于提高单发 射击精度 是极为重要的,最后就是选用精度高的枪弹,XM21所配用的是盐湖城武器 弹药 厂生产的M118比赛用枪弹,弹头重173格令(11.2 …
M21 Scope - Help me decide - M14 Forum
2021年6月24日 · This set-up will cost less than a decent, working ART II scope w/ mount, and quite frankly - it will easily out perform the vintage optics and mount used on a 1980's era M21. If you had a $1500 budget, you might be able to squeeze into a nice 1990s era Leupold Mk 4 fixed 10x with proper M3 turrets, and the same BO rings, or if you get lucky ...
US ARMY M21 AND XM21 - Sniper Central
2020年3月31日 · The M21 was tested against the M40A1, M82, AR10, and some others and the M21 more than held its own and the Army elected to hold on to it as is. Once the official Sniper program was adopted by the Army in 1988, the M21 was replaced by a new bolt action sniper rifle known as the M24.
2017年3月10日 · 与M14基本型相比,M21所采用的枪械平台被称之为M14 NM(National Match,国家竞赛)步枪。 除了取消全自动射击功能外,主要依靠在材料部件的选用,加工、装配的工艺上重点改进以提高枪械的射击精度。
枪械科普:M21 - 哔哩哔哩
M21狙击手武器系统 (M21 Sniper Weapon System简称:M21 SWS)是一款以M14自动步枪作基础改良而成的半自动狙击步枪。美国陆军从1969年开始装备,1988年开始被M24狙击手武器系统所取代,不过后来有部分M21被重新配发给在阿富汗和伊拉克作战的美军士兵使用。
MW1 M21 Pack (for Ruger) (Mod) for Left 4 Dead 2
2018年11月17日 · Replaces the "Hunting Rifle" on Arby's M14 animations. The model uses parts from both the M14 and the M21 versions. The M14 has a better detailed rear sight and rails, in addition to a larger magazine. The M21 has bipods and a longer barrel.
Road to SM2 - M21 (MW1) - YouTube
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