UMP45 - Call of Duty Wiki
The UMP45 appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer. It is available in one of the five default classes (First Recon). At any range short of fifteen meters, the UMP45 will deal 49 …
UMP45 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Guide - IGN
2011年12月18日 · The UMP45 is a German made Sub Machine Gun. It has a low rate of fire compared to most SMGs, but it has high damage to make up for it. The UMP has almost …
Best Striker loadout, class build in MW3 | Polygon
2023年11月10日 · How to put together the best Striker class build in MW3, with picks for attachments, perks and more to craft the perfect Striker loadout in Modern Warfare 3.
-- I was using the NEW UMP / Striker SMG I showcase the BEST Striker Class setup in MW3. Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay features classic mini-map, sliding cancelling, reload cancelling, …
186 KILLS w/ UMP45 in Modern Warfare 3! STRIKER is ... - YouTube
186 KILLS w/ UMP45 in Modern Warfare 3! 😱 STRIKER is INSANE! (MW3) This is my #1 Striker Class Setup in MW3. Try this Best Class Setup for the Striker in Mo...
Best Class/Map to use the UMP45 (leveling up)? : r/mw3 - Reddit
2012年10月21日 · The UMP is extremely good for rushing, but it has a "Feel" to it that makes it possibly the best gun in the game, bar none, in certain situations. With the Specialist Bonus …
Modern Warfare 3: Best Striker Loadout & Class Setup
2023年10月26日 · Striker Build MW3 – The Striker SMG, aka the UMP-45 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, is a compact powerhouse that continues to shine even after some mid-range nerfs. …
The BEST SMG in Modern Warfare 3 - UMP is BACK! (MW3 …
2023年10月6日 · With its high damage output, low recoil, and impressive range, the UMP is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. We'll go over the best attachments to use, the …
UMP45| 武器リスト | MW3 研究所
“UMP”とは“汎用短機関銃”を意味する“Universale Maschinenpistole”の略称である。 武器リスト MW3の各種データベースや最新ニュースまた、攻略情報を随時お届けします。
The best Striker loadout and class setup in MW3 season 2 - Dot …
2024年2月9日 · The Striker, or UMP 45, is reliable at close range and will give you a fighting chance at medium range, too. Don’t bother trying to take on an AR player at long range, but if …