Mazda MX-5 (NB) - Wikipedia
The Mazda MX-5 (NB) is the second generation of the Mazda MX-5 manufactured from 1998 until 2005. The model continued the MX-5's philosophy of being a lightweight, front mid-engine, rear-wheel-drive roadster while featuring numerous performance improvements, however lacking its predecessor's retractable headlamps.
请问马自达MX-5 NA NB NC ND是什么?有什么区别? - 知乎
这一代mx-5对发动机做了大幅度的提升,由Prodrive调教的发动机增加了Garrett涡轮增压,可以轻松地让1.8升发动机从113KW/181NW的动力输出爆发到157KW/280NM。 同时新一代也采用了205mm的宽胎和6速变速箱,让这个自重1.03吨的小跑车在工况路面面上的加速性能得到了提升。
Mazda MX-5 Miata NB (1998 – 2005) Buyer’s Guide
2022年9月2日 · In this Mazda MX-5 Miata NB buyers guide we will be looking at everything you need to know about buying one of these cars from common problems to its history and more.
Mazda MX-5 Miata - NB - 2nd Gen Market - CLASSIC.COM
The second generation of the Mazda MX-5 Miata, internally known as the NB, was introduced for the 1999 model year. It retained the 1.8-liter engine of the earlier car, but it was visually distinct from the earlier car due to more rounded styling - most notably with the fixed headlamps replacing the older model's retractable headlamps.
Mazda MX-5 - Wikipedia
The NB model of the MX-5 featured a slight increase in engine power, a refined interior design and the option of a six-speed manual transmission. In 2001, the model underwent revisions, the second generation boasted a slight increase in engine power, a more refined interior with an updated design, and a newly available six-speed manual ...
1999-2005 Mazda MX-5 Miata NB Buyer’s Guide: Year-by-Year …
2025年2月13日 · Significant Year-by-Year Updates to the NB Miata The NB generation offers loads of refinement and a modest performance increase, without sacrificing any of the drop-top mojo from the beloved NA. There’s plenty of aftermarket support for NB cars too—for example, this particular Miata has been upgraded with an aftermarket turbo kit.
Mazda MX-5 Production Information - Miata.net
2014年7月15日 · What do the generational codes, "NA", "NB" and "NC" mean and where did they come from? These coded are “Model Identifiers” per standard VIN coding convention. The “Model Identifier” code is the 4th and 5th position in the VIN.
Mazda MX-5 2gen (NB) data and specifications catalogue
Catalogue of specifications of Mazda MX-5 2nd generation (NB-series), all models, production years and versions in automobile-catalog.
馬自達MX-5 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MX-5搭載一具由第七代 323 的 B6型 引擎改良而來的1.6L DOHC直列四缸引擎,代號為「B6-ZE」。 這具引擎最大馬力125ps / 6,500rpm、最大扭力14.5kg・m / 5,000rpm,搭配五速手排變速箱。 從0加速至60mph(97km/hr)只需7.9秒,最高時速可達209km/hr。 車體之風阻係數僅有0.38,全車前後採 雙A臂獨立懸吊系統 (double wishbone suspension)附防傾桿,四輪制動系統為碟煞。 車頭大燈的設計採上掀式,亦為一絕。 在日本市場,由於 日本泡沫經濟 時期馬自達公司採多 …
95 Mazda MX-5: Nb - mobile.de
Kostenlose Autobewertung - schnell und unverbindlich. Mazda MX-5 Nb bei mobile.de Große Auswahl Günstige Angebote Jetzt kaufen!