MXR M80 Bass DI+ review - TalkBass.com
2011年6月20日 · I looked at the Aguilar Tone Hammer (bad dirt sound), the Hartke Bass Attack (great price but too big and of dubious build quality), the Darkglass B7K (overpriced) and the VT Bass (great sound but expensive and no DI). All of which led me to the MXR M80. Small footprint, reasonable price, reliable brand, good overdrive sound and a quality DI.
Sansamp Bass DI vs. MXR Bass DI+ - TalkBass.com
2015年1月14日 · I'm looking to invest in a DI box before my next gig, and have it down to two choices, the ever-reliable Tech21 Sansamp Bass DI (just the regular one, not the para or deluxe) or the MXR Bass DI+. The Sansamp seems to have a longer reputation, and clocks in at $200 up here in the polar wasteland of Canada. It seems foolproof and rugged as all hell.
Mxr Bass D.i.+ - TalkBass.com
2019年7月11日 · I started playing bass 6 years ago. I now have 9 basses and over 20 pedals of which I have weeded out the average ones through research, buying and selling. When I first started looking at bass gear, the knowledgeable bass guy at the music store said he has only 2 or 3 main pedals now and one was the MXR M80 Bass DI.
mxr bass di - TalkBass.com
2006年10月16日 · I can't post samples, but I'll offer my impressions of the MXR Bass DI, as I've been considering one, too. i spent a while with one last weekend. The equalisation in the preamp is pretty articulate, and the general effect of turning on the preamp has a positive effect on the tone of the bass.
Sansamp Bass DI vs. MXR Bass DI+ | Page 2 | TalkBass.com
2015年1月14日 · I run an M80 into an M87 Bass Compressor into a SANSAMP PBDDI. Honestly, the color switch on the MXR M80 is an awesome mid scoop that sounds great. It sounds even better when used in conjunction with the SANSAMP warmth and tubiness. The MXR M80 distortion sounds a hell of a lot better too when running into the warm tubiness of the SANSAMP.
Mxr m80 di+ vs. tech 21 sans amp - TalkBass.com
2007年7月22日 · The MXR M-80 will give you the Meshuggah bass sound exactly. I owned one, NOT a fan at all. When the distortion is turned on a mid-scoop is automatically engaged. The centers on the EQ frequencies were all wrong. Clean it sounded pretty good though, and it was quiet. It was good for recording clean bass, but that was about it.
The Great Bass Preamp/DI Comparison - TalkBass.com
2010年1月5日 · Aguilar Tone Hammer - DI...and some added AGS for a little character. Sweet! Eventide H9 - Anything you can freakin' imagine. A million pedals in one box and very, very high quality audio. MXR Bass Compressor - basic, simple, effective....and the …
Tech 21 SansAmp RBI Vs MXR Bass di - TalkBass.com
2005年10月2日 · I had the RBI and now I have the MXR Bass DI. The RBI killed my midrange, and the low end was mushy. The MXR distortion is more like an effect than a nice tube crunch, but I like it on some occasions. I still miss the Sansamp-like distortion, so I'm looking forward to buy a EBS ValveDrive.
mxr m80 bass di... - TalkBass.com
2007年5月28日 · (note: MXR M80 and M87 Bass Compressor work best, IMHO, before the SANSAMP because SANSAMP has tube emulation and cabinet simulation. In addition, the BDDI acts as my amp going into the Radial SB-2 and to the effects return of my amp )
MXR M80 Bass DI+ review | Page 5 | TalkBass.com
2016年2月17日 · I had been unsatisfied with the inflexible EQ and inadequate dirt on my SansAmp bass drivers. I looked at the Aguilar Tone Hammer (bad dirt sound), the Hartke Bass Attack (great price but too big and of dubious build quality), the Darkglass B7K (overpriced) and the VT Bass (great sound but expensive and no DI). All of which led me to the MXR M80.