麦肯世界集团任命麦肯中国首席客户官 | 新闻 | Campaign 中国
2025年2月21日 · 麦肯世界集团任命 Mae Ng 为麦肯中国首席客户官。她将进一步深化客户导向战略,以品牌客户的视角精准把握市场需求,推动麦肯在中国市场为品牌创造更大价值。
Mae Ng - Director - Visa | LinkedIn
Director - Consumer Payments | Develop and execute sales, acceptance, and payment strategies for Visa’s largest retail clients · Experience: Visa · Location: San Francisco Bay Area · 240...
- 职位: Director - Consumer Payments …
- 位置: Visa
- 人脉数: 240
Mae Ng Appointed Chief Client Officer of McCann China
McCann Worldgroup has welcomed back Mae Ng as Chief Client Officer of McCann China, where she will play a key role in enhancing the agency’s client-centric strategy. Ng will provide valuable client insights to address market demands and drive McCann’s commitment to delivering greater brand value in China.
Mae Ng Appointed Chief Client Officer of McCann China
2025年2月24日 · McCann Worldgroup has today announced the return of Mae Ng as Chief Client Officer of McCann China. “Mae will further strengthen the agency’s client-centric strategy, offering a client perspective to accurately address market demands and drive McCann’s efforts to create greater value for brands in China,” the agency said of Ng’s return.
麦肯世界集团宣布中国区新任领导层 - 网易
2025年2月21日 · Mae 将进一步深化公司的客户导向战略,以品牌客户的视角精准把握市场需求,推动麦肯在中国市场为品牌创造更大价值。 Mae Ng. Mae 在品牌传播领域深耕二十余年,兼具品牌端与代理商的双重视角,能够精准洞察品牌客户在当前充满挑战的市场环境下的核心需求。
New Chief Client Officer for McCann China | LBBOnline
2025年2月24日 · McCann Worldgroup has announced the return of Mae Ng as chief client officer of McCann China. Mae will further strengthen the agency’s client-centric strategy, offering a client perspective to accurately address market demands and drive McCann’s efforts in creating greater value for brands in China.
Mae Ng returns to McCann China as chief client officer
2025年2月21日 · Ng's return highlights McCann Worldgroup’s unwavering commitment to a client-centered perspective in China. With her industry expertise and market insights, McCann will continue to develop...
2025年2月25日 · 麦肯世界集团宣布Mae Ng女士重返公司,担任麦肯中国首席客户官一职。 此次回归,Mae将致力于深化麦肯的客户导向战略,凭借其在品牌传播领域的深厚积淀,从品牌客户的独特视角出发,精准捕捉市场需求,引领麦肯在中国市场为各大品牌创造前所未有的价值。 拥有超过二十年的品牌传播经验,Mae Ng在品牌端与代理商之间架起了一座桥梁,拥有双重视角的她能够敏锐地捕捉到品牌客户在当前复杂多变市场环境中的核心诉求。 她对品牌战略的深刻洞 …
麦肯世界集团宣布Mae Ng出任麦肯中国首席客户官|界面新闻 · 快讯
2月21日,麦肯世界集团宣布Mae Ng重返公司,出任麦肯中国首席客户官。 在重返麦肯之前,Mae担任Bottega Veneta大中华区市场与传播总监,全面负责品牌在地区市场的营销与传播战略。
Mae Ng rejoins McCann China as chief client officer
2025年2月24日 · McCann Worldgroup has appointed Mae Ng as the chief client officer of McCann China, marking her return to the agency in a new leadership role focused on client strategy and market growth.