Maemo - Wikipedia
Maemo provides the Mozilla -based MicroB web-browser with complete Adobe Flash support. It supports an 800×480 display resolution, so some web pages can be viewed without horizontal scrolling. It can automatically connect to known wireless networks, download RSS feeds and email and disconnect automatically without user intervention. [16]
maemo - 百度百科
maemo是构建于桌面开源组件的计算机架构平台,其目标是为移动手持终端提供一种应用和创新技术。 于2005年首次推出的maemo 是诺基亚各种高端产品的核心平台之一。
Maemo - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
Maemo是一个基于Debian GNU/Linux的操作系统,由诺基亚公司为了智能电话及Internet Tablet所开发。 它已经被应用在诺基亚 N770 、 N800 、 N810 和 N900 上。 Nokia 与很多开源软件项目(如 Linux内核 , Debian , GNOME )合作,共同开发Maemo平台。
Maemo - ArchiveOS
2016年7月28日 · Maemo is a modified version of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, reconfigured for mobile devices. It uses libraries from the GNOME project, the Matchbox window manager and the GTK-based Hildon framework as its GUI and application framework. The GUI uses the GTK+ toolkit and Hildon user interface widgets and API.
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Maemo basics - maemo.org wiki
Maemo is the name of an operating system and Linux-based application platform which Nokia introduced in 2005 to run on the Nokia 770. But Maemo is more than just an OS, It is the community and tools and devices—everything—to do with the operating system. maemo.org is the home of the Maemo Community.
Maemo - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Maemo是諾基亞的頂級操作系統品牌,用以彌補Symbian OS的某些先天不足。 目前Maemo主要是服務於不具備傳統 移動電話 功能的網路終端,以及 Nokia N900 這樣的 智慧型手機 。
maemo.org - Repositories
The Extras repository contains applications that are developed by the Maemo community, and are meant to be used on-device. Latest releases Fremantle Extras ( browse , install )
煮机论史:Maemo,Meego 被遗忘的前身 - 少数派
2017年3月7日 · 于是诺基亚创立 Maemo 社区,基于 GNU/Linux 操作系统和 GNOME 桌面技术,把 Linux 改造地更加适合移动设备,适合触摸界面,这就是 Maemo。 终于 2005 年,世界上第一款 Maemo 产品,NOKIA 770 问世。
maemo.org wiki
Welcome to the Maemo Wiki, currently featuring 1,314 articles. Read new ones, browse the list of categories, jump to a random page or select your favorite topic from the list below.
maemo.org - maemo.org: Home of the Maemo community
Random members of the Maemo community. beginner's drill game to learn Japanese kana characters. Kanatest is a simple hiragana and katakana drill game. It checks your knowledge of Japanese kana characters. There are three drill modes: hiragana mode (hiragana charset only), katakana mode (katakana charset only) and mixed mode (both charsets).
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