Maiju Eskelinen - UEFConnect
Sustainable development is a central theme in UEF strategy. I collaborate closely for instance with facility management and restaurant services to improve sustainability in practice. I also follow …
Maiju Karjalainen - UEFConnect
Maiju Karjalainen. Doctoral Researcher. School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology [email protected] | +358 46 920 3579
Maiju Mähönen - UEFConnect
2013年1月9日 · Maiju Mähönen is a PhD researcher in law. Her research focuses on access to justice and climate litigation, EU climate governance and Finland’s climate law.
A double degree opens a window into Japanese world of work
2021年1月4日 · Maiju Karjalainen graduated from UEF's and Toyohashi University of Technology’s (TUT) joint Master’s degree programme last autumn. The double degree …
Kaksoistutkinto avaa näkymiä japanilaiseen työelämään
2021年4月1日 · Maiju Karjalainen valmistui viime syksynä maisteriksi Itä-Suomen yliopiston ja Toyohashin teknillisen yliopiston (TUT) yhteisestä tutkinto-ohjelmasta. Kaksoistutkintoon …
Doctoral Programme of the Philosophical Faculty
General study guidance for the doctoral researchers at the Philosophical Faculty, please contact [email protected]. The head of the doctoral programme is Professor Lauri Thurén …
Maiju KARJALAINEN | University of Eastern Finland | UEF
Maiju KARJALAINEN of University of Eastern Finland (UEF) | Contact Maiju KARJALAINEN
Maiju MÄHÖNEN | University of Eastern Finland | UEF | Law …
Maiju MÄHÖNEN of University of Eastern Finland (UEF) | Contact Maiju MÄHÖNEN
Maiju Parviainen - UEFConnect
Maiju Parviainen. Academic Affairs Specialist. Doctoral Education, Philosophical Faculty Student and Learning Services, University Services [email protected] | +358 50 357 7336
Maiju SYRJÄLÄ | University of Eastern Finland | UEF | Institute of ...
Maiju SYRJÄLÄ of University of Eastern Finland (UEF) | Contact Maiju SYRJÄLÄ