Nieuwe mestmaatregelen vanaf 2025 | Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
17 april 2023: minister Demir bezorgt het ontwerp-MAP 7 aan de Europese Commissie. 7 maart 2023: de middenveldorganisaties bereiken een akkoord over de uitgangsprincipes voor een zevende mestactieplan (MAP 7). 8 november 2022: VLM start op vraag van minister Demir een nieuw overlegmodel op met landbouw, milieu- en natuurorganisaties.
MAP7 Gene - GeneCards | MAP7 Protein | MAP7 Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · MAP7 (Microtubule Associated Protein 7) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with MAP7 include Colorectal Cancer and Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia, Kozlowski Type . Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include signaling receptor binding and structural molecule activity .
MAP7 microtubule associated protein 7 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
Jan 4, 2025 · Title: MAP7 interacts with RC3H1 and cooperatively regulate cell-cycle progression of cervical cancer cells via activating the NF-κB signaling.
MAP7 protein expression summary - The Human Protein Atlas
RNA specificity category based on RNA sequencing data from cancer cell lines in the Human Protein Atlas grouped according to type of cancer. Genes are classified into six different categories (enriched, group enriched, enhanced, low specificity and not detected) according to their RNA expression levels across the panel of cell lines.
MAP7 gene information - The Human Protein Atlas
General description of the gene and the encoded protein (s) using information from HGNC and Ensembl, as well as predictions made by the Human Protein Atlas project. Official gene symbol, which is typically a short form of the gene name, according to HGNC. Full …
Microtubule-stabilizing protein that may play an important role during reorganization of microtubules during polarization and differentiation of epithelial cells. Associates with microtubules in a dynamic manner. May play a role in the formation of intercellular contacts.
maps7 中文版
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MAP7 family proteins regulate kinesin-1 recruitment and activation ...
MAP7 proteins promote binding of kinesin-1 to microtubules both directly, through the N-terminal microtubule-binding domain and unstructured linker region, and indirectly, through an allosteric effect exerted by the kinesin-binding C-terminal domain.
MAP Grade 7 Sample Question - Practice Reasoning Tests
Nov 3, 2024 · The MAP Test Grade 7 tests students’ proficiency in mathematics, reading and language usage. Developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), it measures individual growth over time, adapting question difficulty based on responses.
DOSSIER MAP7 - Boerenbond
Van 18 maart tot en met 16 mei 2025 loopt het openbaar onderzoek over het Vlaamse ontwerp-mestactieprogramma (MAP 7) en het bijhorende ontwerp van het plan-MER.
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