【FF14 6.4】天狱篇零式 P9S 超详解攻略 - 哔哩哔哩
,【FF14】“漫天繁星中那颗名为你的天星”P11S 特弥斯 零式万魔殿天狱3 首周开荒视角(附台词&技能中文翻译),【MMW攻略组】P9S 零式万魔殿 荒天之狱1 攻略详解,【P12S】万魔殿荒天之狱零式四层门神攻略(开场改良双无敌+远近对话逃课),【ぬけまる/Nukemaru ...
想问问大家关于万魔殿解限的事 - 百度贴吧
2024年10月10日 · 大家,现在解限打P4S和P8S能压到哪里啊. p4s 装等720左右,6d带个画家能压掉第二幕。 p8s无脑打还得等等. p8s门神如果是一蛇先的话可以压掉一车,本体可以稳定压二 …
p9-11s现在可以解限压到哪里了呀 - 百度贴吧
2024年12月1日 · 零式更新前一段时间打的可以参考一下。p9s压麻将,p10s没打过不了解,p11s调停阶段等光暗球炸了就结束了
P9S | FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros
Check the Scrambled Succession (“Limit Cut 1”) strat used. Japanese parties will go with the strat that has the party run around in a circle (known as 無職マラソン in Japanese). English parties may do the “Intercard” strat that resolves two of the Ice AoEs at one corner, before flipping the map around (known as ぶたばら式 in Japanese).
P9s - 最终幻想XIV中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有 …
最终幻想XIV中文维基,是由爱好者制作的网络游戏 《最终幻想14》 简体中文版的资讯站,该游戏由 SQUARE ENIX 制作,简体中文版由 盛趣游戏 运营。 本维基使用 灰机wiki 提供的免 …
P9S | Materia Raiding
Materia Raiding is a community driven project to collate the various guide and tools created for raiding in the FF14 Materia Datacenter.
P9s Lazy Levinstrike Guide : r/ffxiv - Reddit
2023年6月4日 · Could you make this even lazier? Rather than 6 and 8 crossing the arena they each just move 45'? So essentially 6 and 8's final positions are swapped. Less movement overall, and I can't see why they'd get clipped by anything. I’ve been using this with my group and telling people in PF about it as well.
FFXIV: P9S Guide – Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage) - The …
2023年5月31日 · We have a complete FFXIV P9S guide that’ll let you clear this raid with your friends or whomever you try it with. We will be breaking down this FFXIV P9S guide the best we can so you can organize your party before trying this content. We’ll review the mechanics and things you must do in the fight.
Anyone still use a P9S as daily carry? - HK Proshop
2022年4月15日 · Welcome to the site, and yes, occasionally in the wintertime, I carry either my .45 or my 9mm P9S. It is one of the most smooth shooting service pistols ever made with low recoil, a great trigger and adjustable sear engagement (on my target version). The best part is either caliber fits in the same holster.
Heckler & Koch P9S Target 9mm (Used) - Double Action Indoor …
Heckler & Koch P9S Target 9mm (Used) MFG: Heckler & Koch MODEL: P9S CALIBER: 9mm BARREL: 4.0 in. USED GUN DESCRIPTION: (2) Mags; Original Box & Owners Manual; Adjustable Target Sights; Made in Germany; LIKE NEW Condition . EXTRAS: Includes a 12-Month Range Membership ($150 Value!) LIMITED ONE-YEAR WARRANTY on this used gun.
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