AutoCAD Map 3D Forum - Autodesk Community
2025年3月21日 · Welcome to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Map 3D Forums. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular AutoCAD Map 3D topics.
Exporting map features to AutoCAD - Autodesk Community
2022年6月2日 · I'm fairly new to Map3D, and the tutorials, forums, and internet searching don't seem to cover this particular issue. I have tree data (as feature properties of map features) I can import into Map3D from SHP files (see attached pic), but I need to find a way to export all of that data, connected to objects, into vanilla AutoCAD 2023. I've matched coordinate systems and exported the ...
2024 Product download links - Autodesk Community
2023年3月21日 · Find direct download links for Autodesk 2024 products.
Grid Reference System - Autodesk Community
2024年11月20日 · Again thanks for your time. I have attached his example drawing. I have to edit a drawing to make it similar to his attachment. The grid reference system he has used is in his model space but when I have tried to understand MAP3D tutorials (if that is the route I am supposed to go down) grid refs are only shown on paper space layouts.
Importing points from a .CSV to MAP 3D and Using Query
2019年9月11日 · Hello, I am new to AutoCAD MAP 3D and want to learn about importing information to AutoCAD Map 3D (specifically using a .csv that has LL84 coordinates). My current coordinate system is UTM83-16F. I am interested in learning how to insert my excel sheet and performing Querys. Can anyone show me meth...
Solved: Convert Map Features to Text - Autodesk Community
2024年12月5日 · By adding the shapefile as an FDO you can use the Map3D toolset to create a label from the DBF. Since you can multiple entities in close proximity of one another, your labels might overlap. If they overlap too much, Map3D will decide which labels to display and which to temporarily hide.
DEM File Import - Autodesk Community
2008年1月20日 · www.map3d.wordpress.com "Russ Reed" wrote in message news:[email protected]... Murphy, Thanks for the link to the blog site - those directions did the trick. I had some difficulty transforming the 3D poly lines from one coordinate system to another - the elevation data bounced up into the billions of
Solved: Connecting a *.gdb file - Autodesk Community
2020年9月14日 · If you don't have ArcGIS then you can ask a colleague to open the gdb in Arc Desktop or ArcGIS Pro (or QGIS) and pull the Feature Class out of the gdb. The feature class can be saved as a shapefile. You can then connect to (or mapimport) the shapefile in Civil3D/Map3D
map3d coordinate library menu not opening - Autodesk Community
2021年6月24日 · Hi Dave, thanks for the answer but that is not what i meant . i know that the menu is not open all the time but when i click on the library... icon, the 'coordinate system library' popup menu doesn't open, this was the case in preious versions, it is a …
importing LAS files to autocad map 3d 2016 - Autodesk Community
2016年1月27日 · Hello everyone, I am trying to figure out how to import las files into the 2016 software. I know that in the 2015 version all I had to do was click the "data" button under the Task pane and select "add point cloud" then "creat new index", but in …