Maine Amphibian & Reptile Atlas Project
Still active after 36 years, MARAP is one of the longest running citizen science projects in New England, having amassed nearly 13,000 records by hundreds of volunteers statewide. These records will be the foundation of an updated third edition of Amphibians and Reptiles of Maine, currently in preparation.
Matadoria - Marap മാറാപ്പ് (Official Video) - YouTube
Song: Marap മാറാപ്പ്Music composed and produced by Matadoria Headphones Recommended Follow Matadoria Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matadoria.official/...
黑客组织TA505意图攻击金融机构,大量传播恶意软件Marap收集情报 …
2018年8月21日 · 研究员在一场规模相当大的垃圾电子邮件活动中发现了一种新的恶意软件,主要针对了金融机构。这种被称为“Marap”的恶意软件不仅能够收集系统信息,而且具备下载其他模块或恶意软件的能力。
New modular downloaders fingerprint systems, prepare for more
2018年8月16日 · The malware, dubbed “Marap” (“param” backwards), is notable for its focused functionality that includes the ability to download other modules and payloads. The modular nature allows actors to add new capabilities as they become available or download additional modules post infection.
Report: Modular 'Marap' malware campaign sets the table for …
2018年8月16日 · Researchers say the malware, which is named “Marap” after a detail in its command and control (C&C) server, bears similarity to other campaigns associated with a threat actor known as TA505. Proofpoint says it has observed “millions of messages” in a malicious email campaign earlier this month.
Marap:新模块化下载器分析(一) - 网易
2018年8月27日 · Proofpoint研究人员近期发现一起主要攻击金融机构的新型恶意软件——Marap。 模块化的本质使得攻击者可以不断增加新的功能,在恶意软件感染后还可以下载新的模块。
MARAP | West Michigan Works!
Learn more about the training providers participating in the West Michigan Works! medical assistant registered apprenticeship program (MARAP). MEET THE EDUCATORS
Highly Flexible Marap Malware Enters the Financial Scene
2018年8月16日 · The email attachments contain malicious macros for executing the Marap malware, which is written in C and contains a few notable anti-analysis features, researchers said.
鎖定金融領域的新惡意程式Marap現身 | iThome
2018年8月20日 · Marap是一個惡意程式下載器,目前發現會自C&C伺服器下載系統指紋模組,能夠蒐集系統的使用者名稱、網域名稱、主機名稱、IP位址、語言、國家等資訊,可能是為未來進一步攻擊作準備。
新型恶意程式出现 专门锁定金融领域 - CSDN博客
以C语言撰写的Marap是一个可下载及安装各种模块的恶意软件下载器(Downloader),目前唯一出现的模块为系统指纹模块,能够搜集系统的用户名称、域名、主机名、IP地址、语言、国家、Outlook的.ost档案列表、Windows版本与所使用的防病毒软件,并将它们传回至黑客 ...