Marek Vargapal - Co-Founder - Honey Tradition | LinkedIn
Family Beekeeping Farm Vargapal | Mead making · Sikla provides complex modular steel framing solution and engineered spring hangers for industries ranging from energy, petrochemical,...
- 职位: Family Beekeeping Farm …
- 位置: Honey Tradition
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Prírodný med agátový, repkový, lipový, slnečnicový, lesný
Je preukázané, že med pôsobí antibakteriálne a protizápalovo. Pomáha liečiť viaceré vírusové ochorenia a posilňuje imunitný systém. Med je odporúčaný aj pri ochoreniach dýchacích ciest, …
Slovákovi krachla kariéra finančníka. Dal sa na včelárstvo a teraz ...
2022年9月6日 · Marek a Tibor Vargapálovci pri zlatom slovenskom medovom exponáte na Apimondii v Istanbule. Zdá sa to až neuveriteľné, ako Vargapálovi prialo šťastie.
Honey Tradition creates innovative infused chocolate collection
2021年6月10日 · Brand owners Sarah Reid and Marek Vargapal decided to launch the bars after realizing how the intricate flavours of their honey and bee pollen could enrich and complement different types of chocolate. “There is a lot more to honey than people think,” explains Reid.
Gold Medal Award Winning Raw Honey from Treasure State Honey
• The first place for Honey products (with added cinnamon, nuts, dried fruits, etc.) was awarded to MAREK VARGAPAL from Slovakia. • The best mead was won by MAREK VARGAPAL from Slovakia. We are proud to announce that our honey won the gold medal for crystallized honey at the 2017 Apimondia Conference in Istanbul, Turkey!
Honey Tradition launch luxury chocolate bars
2023年4月29日 · Honey Tradition, a Milton Keynes based boutique honey brand owned by Sarah Reid and Marek Vargapal, has today announced a new range of luxury chocolate bars to complement its existing award-winning raw honey and bee pollen products. The new indulgent chocolate bar collection features four mouth-watering flavours: .
Marek Vargapal - LinkedIn
Check out professional insights posted by Marek Vargapal, Family Beekeeping Farm Vargapal | Mead making
2 "Marek Vargapal" profiles | LinkedIn
View the profiles of professionals named "Marek Vargapal" on LinkedIn. There are 2 professionals named "Marek Vargapal", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and ...
Marek Vargapál - Jacovce, Nitra Region, Slovakia - LinkedIn
-- · Location: 956 21. View Marek Vargapál’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
Marek Vargapal - Business Development Engineer at Sikla Uk Ltd
View Marek Vargapal's email address (m*****@sikla***.co.uk) and phone number. Marek works at Sikla Uk Ltd as Business Development Engineer. Marek is based out of United Kingdom and works in the Manufacturing industry.
The brilliance of honeybees - NP NEWS - Natural Products Online
2021年10月29日 · Brand owners Sarah Reid and Marek Vargapal launched the range upon realizing how ‘the intricate flavours’ of their own honey and bee pollen (harvested in Vargapal’s family’s 200-hive apiary in Slovakia) could ‘enrich and complement’ chocolate.
Honey Tradition launches luxury chocolate range infused with …
Boutique UK brand Honey Tradition has announced a new range of luxury chocolate bars to complement its existing award-winning raw honey and bee pollen products.
Svetový top včelár pre LES & Letokruhy: Slovenský ... - LesMedium.sk
2022年10月19日 · Na konci stretnutia som urobil spoločnú fotografiu Tibora Vargapála s jeho synom Marekom v košickej predajni. A na záver tejto upútavky uvádzam úryvok z článku, uverejnenom v denníku Pravda začiatkom septembra po tom, ako sa Vargapálovci vrátili zo 47. svetovej včelárskej výstavy Apimondia z tureckého Istanbulu so siedmimi zlatými medailami.
Your Sikla news | Fastening technology made easy | Marek Vargapal
By: Marek Vargapal on 9/12/23 13:09 What is High Corrosion Protection (HCP) and how to avoid corrosive damage in a steel structure? The surface of steel frames must usually be protected to avoid corrosive damage ...
Medy rodiny z východného Slovenska žnú úspechy | TVNOVINY.sk
2024年5月7日 · „Robíme 16 hodín denne, niekedy 18,“ vraví pán Vargapál. Jeho syn Marek sa vrátil na Slovensko po siedmich rokoch života v Anglicku. Je úspešný strojár a prišiel, aby pomohol rodine. Či zostane pri včelách, ukáže čas. „Mechanizácia včelárenia ma baví, tam vidím aj potenciál pre zlepšovanie,“ tvrdí. Práve tomu sa venuje po večeroch.
Marek Vargapal posted on LinkedIn
Marek Vargapal’s Post Marek Vargapal Family Beekeeping Farm Vargapal | Mead making 3y Report this post SIKLA UK & Ireland 5,182 followers ...
Mr Marek Vargapal Anthony Withers Mr Vincent Clarke Mr John Roberts Ms Miriam Gee Class 2: Two Jars of Clear Honey 1st 2nd 3rd 4th VHC HC C Mr Cliff Deegan Mr John Roberts Miss Lesley Francis Mr Alex de Salis Mr John Laws Class 3: Three Jars of Honey 1st 2nd 3rd 4th VHC HC C Mr John Roberts Mr Michael Brand
Výpis z obchodného registra SR - orsr.sk
2014年3月28日 · Marek Vargapál Janigova 1326/21 Košice - mestská časť Sídlisko KVP 040 23 Vznik funkcie: 28.03.2014 (od: 22.09.2022)
Marek Vargapal’s Post - LinkedIn
Marek Vargapal Family Beekeeping Farm Vargapal | Mead making 2y Report this post MIDFIX 6,448 followers 2y How have M&E contractors dealt with challenging supply chain issues over the past 12 ...
Typical frames configurations guidelines - blog.sikla.com
2023年9月28日 · Written by Marek Vargapal. Business Development Engineer (Energy from Waste & Power Generation) Find here the siFramo Technical Guidelines applied to typical frame configurations & loading scenarios; working loads & deflections; how to apply working loads.