Maria Mies - Wikipedia
Maria Mies (German: [miːs]; 6 February 1931 – 15 May 2023) was a German professor of sociology, a Marxist feminist, an activist for women's rights, and an author. She came from a rural background in the Volcanic Eifel, and initially trained to be a teacher.
父权制与资本积累 - 豆瓣读书
玛丽亚•米斯(Maria Mies,1931—2023),德国社会学家、女权主义活动家,毕业于德国科隆大学社会学系,曾在科隆大学和法兰克福大学任教。 从20世纪60年代后期开始参与许多女权行动,曾在印度研究和工作多年,并于1979年在荷兰海牙启动“妇女与发展”项目。
玛丽亚·米斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
玛丽亚·米斯 (德语: Maria Mies,1931年2月6日—2023年5月15日),德国社会学教授、 马克思主义女性主义 者、女权运动人士及作家,出身于 埃菲尔火山 (英语:Volcanic Eifel) 的偏远地区,早年曾接受教师培训。 后在当了数年的小学教师并取得高中讲师资格证后向 歌德学院 申请前往亚洲和非洲工作,并成功被安排到了印度 浦那 的一间学校。 回到德国后,米斯进入了 科隆大学 从事研究工作,并从1971年开始准备关于印度女性与社会对她们的期望之间的矛盾关系的论 …
Mies, Maria – Postcolonial Studies - Emory University
2014年8月9日 · Maria Mies is a Marxist feminist scholar who is renowned for her theory of capitalist-patriarchy, which recognizes third world women and difference. She is a Professor of Sociology at Fachhochschule in Cologne, Germany, but retired from teaching in 1993.
Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale - 豆瓣读书
2014年7月10日 · Maria Mies is a Marxist feminist scholar who is renowned for her theory of capitalist patriarchy, which recognizes third world women and difference. She is a professor of sociology at Cologne University of Applied Sciences, but retired from teaching in 1993.
Maria Mies, 1931-2023 - Radical Philosophy
The first gift that Maria Mies leaves us is her understanding of capitalism as a global system reorganising life and production at once, experienced differently across the world economy, and centred on the home as the key patriarchal site of labour-surplus extraction and struggle.
If legacy is a gift that we hand down when we leave this world so that those who come after us can benefit from what we have acquired or produced, then we can say that the legacy of Maria Mies (1931–2023), both to the feminist movement and to every movement for human liberation, is rich and will inspire feminist politics for many years to come.
Passing away Emeritus Professor Maria Mies
2023年5月22日 · Maria Mies, Professor in Sociology at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, was the first senior Women and Development (W&D) lecturer at the International Institute of Social Studies from 1979 till 1981.
In Memory of Maria Mies: Feminist Rebelliousness and Imagination
2023年6月16日 · Maria Mies was a German sociologist who greatly contributed to feminism, especially ecofeminism, with her formulations about development, the dynamics of accumulation, globalization, and ecological crisis.
Maria Mies attempts to develop a feminist perspective of a future society based on the abolition of the present sexual division of labour, as well as the international division of labour. She also advocates an alternative economy that is not based on the exploitation of nature, but rather on the development of a consumption and production autarky.