Maricopa - Find a Class
Enter a class prefix and number combination to find those specific classes. For example, "MAT151" will return College Algebra/Functions classes. You can enter a course prefix/subject …
Find a Class - Maricopa
Examination, recognition and understanding of community problems; community action programs; methods of coping with human behavior, victimology, conflict and communication; ethnic and …
Find a Class - Maricopa
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …
Find a Class - Maricopa
Finds courses with the selected course subject prefix. Availability Open Classes Only (default): limits results to classes with "Open" status under Availability.
Find a Class - Maricopa
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …
Find a Class - Maricopa
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …
Find a Class - Maricopa
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …
Find a Class - Maricopa
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …
Find a Class - Maricopa
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …
Find a Class - classes.sis.maricopa.edu
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona's community colleges and three public universities. Using the SUN …