楼天城再现TCO大赛,时隔三年重回中国第一 - 知乎
TCO(TopCoder Open)是由程序设计比赛网站TopCoder举办的国际编程大赛,与 ACM 、Google Code Jam并称为编程界三大赛事,通过极限编程和设计比赛,最大限度地激发参与者的潜能。
世界顶级选手的刷题之道 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
dreamoon,知名中国台湾籍ACM选手,此为他的codeforces曲线: 当时dreamoon已经是世界上的顶级选手,甚至前一场的div1他排名第3! (当时cf的分制和现在不同,所以现在看起来只是个红名) 由于他没有拿到过div2的第一名,于是决定一直故意掉分使自己有资格打级别较低的div2场。 这个机会终于到来,but当dreamoon决定在这一场暴露大佬本质并拿下第一之时……他被狙了。 没错,被一个更牛逼的神仙开个小号调戏了…… 回归正题来讲。 dreamoon作为一个世界顶级选 …
请问一下打acm的大佬吗,一些重要的板子是拿什么存的,一个一 …
众所周知,ACM选手刷题时经常要复制样例,反复测试就要反复复制,效率极低;还可能需要添加编译标志,通过ide设置反复调整也比较麻烦。 所以我又写了个运行器,它支持访问剪切板并将数据写入本地文件存储,在运行程序时直接用本地文件内容做为输入。
ACM 竞赛高手比其他程序员水平高很多吗? - 知乎
作为一个有一点点上进有一点点自负的好同学,这些 (潜在的)牛人一腔热血能够挥撒的地方实在是非常有限的,ACM就是不多的选择之一,而且因为它客观,容易量化,对于追求理性的人来说格外有吸引力。 至于所谓的面试题、保研加分什么什么的,我们当初决定参加ACM的时候可从没听说过,只是后来很幸运地发现,ACM恰好有一些好的副作用。 如果没有ACM,牛人也会找到另外的有趣的东西来消耗过剩脑细胞的。 所以,在我看来,等价的问题有很多: 编译器高手比其他 …
Memorabilia - Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Chapter advisors can send their email orders to [email protected]. Include the chapter/department name and postal address with each order. The chapter advisor/department will be billed for this order. ... $15 Graduation honor cord (maroon & white) $35 UPE signature book for use during the UPE initiation ceremony. $52 UPE Banner (18″x 24″) for use ...
参加了acm,不知该怎样去哪里刷题,有哪位 ... - 知乎
面向大学acm选手. 1、每周固定训练赛. 每周五晚7点,准时一场牛客竞赛。 竞赛类别包括:小白基础入门赛、知识巩固提高赛、高难度挑战赛。 各水平选手都可选择到适应自身能力的竞技赛,得到有效充分的提高。 2、知识点专项训练
TAMU Activities - Texas A&M University
In Fall 2004, our Texas A&M Maroon team won the South-Central US Regional competition. An article about that can be found here. We went to Shanghai, China in April 2005 to compete in the international finals. I was the original advisor to TAGD, the Texas Aggie Game Developers, for their first year of operation. I have now passed that duty on.
Outlyers: Maroons and Marronage in Eighteenth and Nineteenth …
The project is organized around four "maroon objects"—the portrait, the fetish, the epaulette, and the hatchet—that recur in historical representations concerning maroons. These maroon objects mediate maroon subject and text.My first chapter, "Maroon Portraits," examines the circulating narratives of La Mulâtresse Solitude of Guadeloupe.
ACM 360 Tour - eac2-ualr.org
One of these events include a technology drive where donations of older computers were taken, repaired, and donated to students and families in need. They have also hosted a Microsoft Office training workshop for the Arkansas Secretary of State's Office. You can learn more about the chapter on their website, https://ualr.acm.org.
[2502.15074] Calibrating the Instrumental Drift in MAROON-X …
2025年2月20日 · Abstract: MAROON-X is a state-of-the-art extreme precision radial velocity spectrograph deployed on the 8.1-meter Gemini-N telescope on Maunakea, Hawai'i. Using a stabilized Fabry-Pérot etalon for wavelength and drift calibration, MAROON-X has achieved a short-term precision of $\sim$\,30\,cm\,s$^{-1}$.
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