Mars 2, 3 (Mars M71 #1, #2, #3) - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月14日 · The Mars M71 series was a Soviet series of Mars orbiters with landers. The Mars 2 lander became the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars. The probes consisted of an orbiter section and a landing capsule. They were built by NPO Lavochkin.
Mars M-71 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Mars spacecraft built by Lavochkin for 1971 campaign. The spacecraft consists of a bus/orbiter module and an attached descent/lander module. Mars orbiter, landers satellite, Russia. Launched 1971. AKA: M-71. Status: Operational 1971. First Launch: 1971-05-10. Last Launch: 1971-05-28. Number: 3 . Gross mass: 4,647 kg (10,244 lb).
M71 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M71 (也稱為 梅西耶71 或 NGC 6838)是一個位於 北天 小 星座 天箭座 的 球狀星團。 它是由 Philippe Loys de Chéseaux (英语:Philippe Loys de Chéseaux) 於1745年發現的,並於1780年被 查爾斯·梅西耶 收錄其非 彗星 天體目錄中。 1775年左右,在 德國 德勒斯登 的天文學家 凱勒 也注意到了這個天體 [8]。 這個星團距離地球大約12,000光年,跨度為27光年(8秒差距)。 不規則 變星 天箭座Z 是它的成員之一[9]。 幾十年來(直到20世紀70年代),M71被認為是一個密集 …
梅西耶71 (亦称M71或NGC 6838)是天箭座中的 球状星团 。1745年,菲利普·洛伊斯·德谢奥(Philippe Loys de Chéseaux)发现了它,并于1780年被查尔斯·梅西耶(Charles Messier)列入他的类彗星1775年左右,克勒在德累斯顿也注意到了这一点。
Messier 71 - Wikipedia
Messier 71 (also known as M71, NGC 6838, or the Angelfish Cluster) is a globular cluster in the small northern constellation Sagitta. It was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745 and included by Charles Messier in his catalog of non-comet-like objects in 1780. It was also noted by Koehler at Dresden around 1775. [8]
Mars 3 - Wikipedia
Mars 3 was a robotic space probe of the Soviet Mars program, launched May 28, 1971, nine days after its twin spacecraft Mars 2. The probes were identical robotic spacecraft launched by Proton-K rockets with a Blok D upper stage, each consisting of an orbiter and an attached lander .
Soviet space probes Mars-2 and -3 ( M71) - YouTube
Documentary about a first human unmanned landers and orbiters Mars-2, Mars-3 launched by the Soviet Union to Mars in 1971. They is the first human artifacts to impact the surface of Mars....
M71 - NASA Science
2024年9月13日 · M71 is located roughly 13,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sagitta. This Hubble image of M71 was created from images taken with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on Hubble. taken through yellow (F606W — colored blue) and near-infrared (F814W — colored red) filters.
The Mariner Mars 1971 Orbiter - ScienceDirect
1972年6月1日 · The Mariner Mars 1971 (MM ‘71) orbiter spacecraft, launched toward Mars in the Spring of 1971, was designed to offer the first opportunity for sustained observations in the near vicinity of another planet of our solar system.
Messier 71 - Science@NASA
2024年9月13日 · This spectacular NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a bright scattering of stars in the small constellation of Sagitta (the Arrow). This is the center of the globular cluster Messier 71, a great ball of ancient stars on the edge of our galaxy around 13,000 light-years from Earth. M71 is around 27 light-years across.