A Mars quadcopter capable of autonomous flight and sample …
2024年1月1日 · Five-module avionics system augments the Mars quadcopter for survival and operation. A navigation method combining inertial and binocular vision enables autonomous flight on Mars. The guidance system based on mode commands can …
Design and experimental verification of propulsion system for a Mars …
2024年12月1日 · Researchers from Harbin Institute of Technology and China Academy of Space Technology propose a design for a Mars quadcopter which through adjusting the speed of different rotors to change the flight attitude [22].
Aerodynamic Analysis and Deployment Mechanism of A Foldable Mars Quadrotor
This paper proposes a payload-carrying Mars quadrotor featuring four four-bladed rotors that can fold along the rotor arms. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is employed to perform numerical hovering simulations, exploring the propulsion capability and aerodynamic efficiency of rotors with different diameters.
GitHub - hku-mars/IPC: Integrated Planning and Control for Quadrotor …
The IPC is an integrated planning and control framework for quadrotors. The IPC's characteristic: Using IPC, the quadrotor can: Ubuntu 18.04~20.04, ROS Installation. PCL >= 1.6, follow PCL Installation. Eigen >= 3.3.4, follow Eigen Installation. fmt: Download fmt.zip at https://github.com/hku-mars/IPC/releases/tag/v0.1. Build and install by:
Journal of Field Robotics - Wiley Online Library
2025年2月11日 · In this paper, an invariant extended Kalman filter (IEKF) and geometric adaptive neural controllers (GANC) are introduced for the state estimation and trajectory tracking of the Mars quadrotor. The IEKF fuses the IMU and depth camera information to estimate the optimal states of the quadrotor, which are used as the inputs of the trajectory ...
Towards energy efficient autonomous exploration of Mars lava …
2023年5月1日 · This article presents an autonomous exploration mission based on a modified frontier approach along with a risk aware planning and integrated collision avoidance scheme with a special focus on energy aspects of a custom designed Mars Coaxial Quadrotor (MCQ) in a Martian simulated lava tube.
Design and Model Predictive Control of Mars Coaxial Quadrotor
2021年9月14日 · In order to address these limitations and advance the exploration capability in a Martian terrain, this article presents the design and control of a novel coaxial quadrotor Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV).
Energy is harvested using body-mounted solar cells over the duration of a Martian day to enable high endurance flight. The literature review is conducted to obtain a design methodology (albeit without solar power) for a similar configuration of vehicle for earth. This methodology is implemented and the code is validated.
Design and Model Predictive Control of a Mars Coaxial Quadrotor
2022年3月12日 · Based on the presented design, the article will introduce the mathematical modelling and automatic control framework of the vehicle that will consist of a linearised model of a co-axial quadrotor and a corresponding Model Pre …
Design and Model Predictive Control of Mars Coaxial Quadrotor
2021年9月14日 · Based on the presented design, the article will introduce the mathematical modelling and automatic control framework of the vehicle that will consist of a linearised model of a co-axial quadrotor...