Mathematics (MAT) < uOttawa
MAT 1348 Discrete Mathematics for Computing (3 units) Introduction to discrete structures as a foundation to computing. Propositional logic. Fundamental structures: functions, relations, sets. The basics of counting: counting arguments, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and …
MAT1348 - uOttawa - Discrete Mathematics for Computing
Studying MAT1348 Discrete Mathematics for Computing at University of Ottawa? On Studocu you will find 234 practice materials, 132 lecture notes, 48 mandatory.
- 评论数: 31
Rate Difficulty of 1st year MAT courses : r/geegees - Reddit
2019年7月8日 · So I am likely going to be taking three MAT courses some time next year, among these options: MAT1302 (Mathematical Methods II) MAT1341 (Introduction to Linear Algebra) MAT1320 (Calculus I) MAT1322 (Calculus II) MAT1348 (Discrete Mathematics for Computing) MAT1362 (Mathematical Reasoning and Proofs)
MAT 1348 : Descrete Mathematics for Computing - University …
Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for MAT 1348 : Descrete Mathematics for Computing at University of Ottawa.
SYLLABUS.pdf - MAT1348A Winter 2020 Discrete Math for.
2020年2月18日 · View SYLLABUS.pdf from MAT 1348 at University of Ottawa. MAT1348A (Winter 2020) Discrete Math for Computing Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Maltais *email: [email protected] office: STEM room 656 (150 AI Chat with PDF
MAT1348 Syllabus.pdf - MAT1348C Winter 2018 Instructor:.
Fundamental structures: functions, relations, sets. The basics of counting: counting arguments, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and combina- tions. Introduction to proofs: direct, by contradiction, by cases, induction. Topics in graph theory: …
- 评论数: 1
Graphs for MAT 1348 2 1 Introduction 1.1 Graphs De nition 1.1 A graph Gis an ordered pair (V,E), where • V = V(G) is a non-empty set of vertices — the vertex set of G; • E= E(G) is a set of edges — the edge set of G; and • the two sets are related through a function ψG: E→ {{u,v}: u,v∈ V},
MAT1348 A-2023Final Exam solutions with explanations
MAT 1348 Final Exam 13 (c) (2 points) Consider the degree sequence (0, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4). For each of the following, if the answer is yes, draw an example. If the answer is no, explain why. (i) Does there exist a graph with this degree sequence? (ii) Does there exist a connected graph with this degree sequence? 14 Final Exam MAT 1348
MAT1348 Discrete Mathematics for Computing Winter 2022 Syllabus - MAT ...
Description of the Course: Introduction to discrete structures as a foun- dation to computing. Proposition logic. Fundamental structure: functions, relations, sets. The basic of counting: counting arguments, the pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations. Introduction to proofs: direct, by contradiction, by cases, induction.
- 评论数: 1
MAT1348SyllabusSummer22.pdf - MAT 1348X Spring-summer …
2022年7月26日 · View MAT1348SyllabusSummer22.pdf from MATH 1348 at University of Ottawa. MAT 1348X (Spring-summer 2022) Discrete Mathematics for Computing Professor : Hai Yan Liu(Jack) Email : AI Chat with PDF