01:640:115 - Precalculus College Mathematics
Students who feel unprepared for this course (who have not had math for several years or whose mathematical background is weak) should consider taking 01:640:111-112, which covers the same material as 115 but at a slower pace and begins with …
MATH 115 Mathematics for Liberal Arts - Liberty University
2025年3月13日 · Since Math 115 is the only mathematics course that many students will take, it is designed to dispel the common notion that mathematics is only arithmetic or algebra.
MATH 115 Course | Queens College Catalog
Not open to students who are taking or have received credit, including transfer credit or advanced placement credit, for any precalculus or calculus course. Students who fail or withdraw from this course multiple times may be prohibited from majoring in the sciences or mathematics; see the bulletin language for your major.
Math 115 - Pre-Calculus - University of Delaware
Math 115 - Precalculus, is an in-depth study of functions. Several function classes are studied, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Within each function class, core features are emphasized, including the basic form and graph, domain and range, and intercepts.
Welcome to MATH 115 - University of Michigan
Welcome to MATH 115 Graphical interpretation of f ' (2) Important information: Please see the course Overview and More Details sections for general course information.
Syllabus Math 115 | Department of Mathematics | Illinois
Math 115. Preparation for Calculus Course Description: Reviews trigonometric, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; provides a full treatment of limits, and may include the definition of derivative, and an introduction to finding area under a curve.
MAT 115 Course | LaGuardia CC Catalog
These functions will be used in applications involving simple mathematical modeling where students will engage in inquiryactivities aimed at improving critical-thinking skills. A scientific calculator is required.CUNY Pathways: Required Core-Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning
Demonstrate knowledge of the topics listed in the course description by solving problems in written form using proper mathematical notation and terminology. Communicate math concepts accurately using vocabulary and symbolic language. Apply math concepts to problems involving real life situations.
Course Information | UMGC
Pre-Calculus MATH 115 | 3 Credits Course Desc: (Not open to students who have completed MATH 140 or any course for which MATH 140 is a prerequisite.) An explication of equations, functions, and graphs.
Welcome to Math 115: Course Description pare you for the calculus sequence at UIUC. In this course we will explore topics from high school mathematics, but