Orin MIPI D-PHY&MIPI C-PHY - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2023年1月13日 · Hello teachers, I have a few questions on my side that I would like to ask teachers to help answer. What we’re trying so far: Configure the deserializer MAX96712 to …
MAX96712 Failure after flash - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2023年12月5日 · Val = 15 DEVBLK_WORKER_0: CNvMMax96712_Fusa_nv.cpp: 326: DoInit: Set deserializer defaults Calling CheckAgainstActiveLink before SetLinkMod, linkMask = 1 …
Max96712 with multiple cameras - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2025年1月20日 · Hello, I am trying to setup one max96712 with multiple cameras (virtual channels) with Jetson AGX Orin - Jetpack 5.1.3 I already implemented the driver. My sensor …
Serializer max9295+DESerializer max96712 NULL VI channel received
2023年7月11日 · hi I am Chen Xianfei, a driving engineer from LCFC. We use serializer max9295 and deserializer max96712, but they cannot bring up properly on the Origin NX platform. We …
Can not get Yuv Image from MAX96712 - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2024年5月19日 · Hello, Nvidia, I have a question that may require your assistance. After configuring the SER Deser, I can measure that the MIPI signal is being output on the CSI port. …
Manual power control of MAX96712 Deserializer - NVIDIA …
2024年1月18日 · In the nvsipl code example the MAX96712 deserializer becomes visible on the I2C bus after a call to DevBlkCDISetDeserPower. How can I control the deserializer power on …
MAX96712 Pattern Generator display - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2024年6月27日 · I current testing out the max96712_TPG provided with the Drive OS SDK. When enabling the display, this pattern appear on the screen IMG20240627091527 1920×1440 187 KB
Xavier camera issue with max96712+max9295+ar0233
2021年1月25日 · We have connected max96712+max9295+ar0233 to I2C_GP2 on AGX Xavier module. When we boot up, meet the following issue: 2.544918] i2c /dev entries driver [ …
Camera v4l2 can't work,max96712+ max96705 - NVIDIA …
2022年11月24日 · camera resolution is 1280*1080. it typically width*height, so you should configure active_w=1280 and active_h=1080, right?
GMSL2 link lock failure for MAX96712 - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2024年3月29日 · I dug a bit into the MAX96712 deserializer driver in the SDK and I see a TODO comment (cdi_max96712.c line 2583) mentioning that the link lock may take >100ms …