May 19 - Wikipedia
May 19 is the 139th day of the year (140th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 226 days remain until the end of the year. 639 – Ashina Jiesheshuai and his tribesmen assaulted Emperor Taizong at Jiucheng Palace. 715 – Pope Gregory II is elected. [1] 934 – The Byzantine Empire reconquers Melitene under the leadership of John Kourkouas. [2]
Historical Events on May 19 - On This Day
Historical events for the 19th of May. See what famous, interesting and notable events happened throughout history on May 19.
5月19日 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中國隊落敗令在場的觀眾非常之失望,引發嚴重球迷騷亂,大批球迷聚集在球場外,高叫口號,追打外國人又到處破壞,當局後來拘捕百多人,又展開大規模宣傳活動,避免再發生類似事件,史稱「五一九事件」。 1986年: 台灣 黨外 人士 鄭南榕 等人發起「519綠色行動」,要求 國民黨 政府解嚴。 1989年: 中共中央總書記 趙紫陽 到 北京 天安門廣場,呼籲學生停止絕食。 這是趙紫陽最後一次公開露面。 同日 中國國務院總理 李鵬 發表電視講話,指責學生在天安門廣場的絕食行 …
What Happened on May 19 - On This Day
2012年5月19日 · Anne Boleyn is beheaded, New England unites, a whimsical poet and other important events, facts, birthdays and deaths from May 19.
On This Day - What Happened on May 19 | Britannica
On This Day In History - May 19: anniversaries, birthdays, major events, and time capsules. This day's facts in the arts, politics, and sciences.
May 19 | Holidays, Birthdays, Events - National Today
We have 16 holidays listed for May 19. From your local council person to the president, celebrate them all today. Find out about what started it all — a day dedicated to jumping frogs. Let’s learn about hepatitis B and C and encourage individuals to get tested. Malcolm X Day is celebrated on May 19 to appreciate the civil rights leader.
What Happened on May 19 - HISTORY
Discover what happened on May 19 with HISTORY's summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths. This Day in History: 05/19/1935 - Lawrence of Arabia Dies 2018
More on this Day - May, 19 | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
On May 19, Malcolm X, Sam Smith, Pol Pot were born and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Anne Boleyn, T.E. Lawrence died.
May 19 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
May 19 is the 139th day of the year (140th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 226 days remaining until the end of the year. 715 – Pope Gregory II is elected. 1051 – Henry I of France marries Anne of Kiev. 1314 – Visby, on the Swedish island of Gotland, is almost completely destroyed by fire.
History for May 19 - On-This-Day.com
1536 - Anne Boleyn, the second wife of England's King Henry VIII, was beheaded after she was convicted of adultery. 1568 - After being defeated by the Protestants, Mary the Queen of Scots, fled to England where she was imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth. 1588 - The Spanish Armada set sail from Lisbon, bound for England.