May Lee Jinju - SNK Wiki
Lee Jinju (Hangul: 이진주; Hanja: 李珍珠; Japanese: イ・ジンジュ), know usually as May Lee (メイ・リー), and fully as "May" Lee Jinju (メイ・リー・ジンジュ), is a character in The King of Fighters series who debuted as a member of the Korea Team in The King of Fighters 2001. She is depicted as a perky teenager who ...
May Lee Jinju/Story | SNK Wiki | Fandom
May Lee is introduced as one of the many students of Kim Kaphwan, and has idolized him and Jhun Hoon ever since she could remember. One day, while training, she hears word of The King of Fighters tournament.
May Lee Jinju - Neo-Geo
2021年6月2日 · "May" Lee Jinju (Hangul: 이진주; Hanja: 李珍珠, li Jinju; Japanese: メイ・リー・ジンジュ, Mei Rī Jinju), usually referred to as just May Lee (メイ・リー), is a character who was introduced in The King of Fighters series. May is depicted as a perky teenager who fights for justice using Taekwondo.
Mai Shiranui | SNK Wiki | Fandom
Mai Shiranui (不知火 しらぬい 舞 まい) is a character from the Fatal Fury series. She made her debut in Fatal Fury 2 as the last Shiranui ninja heiress and the girlfriend of Andy Bogard (assumed officially in The King of Fighters XIV).
The King of Fighters 2002 UM/May Lee - Dream Cancel Wiki
2024年9月27日 · May Lee changes pose, idle animation, and her entire movelist as she enters her #Hero Mode. This command unique to May Lee is essential to playing her effectively, as most of her threatening tools are in Hero Mode. Henshin isn't limited to standing still, she can kara/whiff/cancel all her grounded normals and almost all her grounded specials ...
List of SNK games - Wikipedia
Japanese video game company SNK (formerly Shin Nihon Kikaku and SNK Playmore) began developing and publishing video games in 1978. SNK's first video games were released on dedicated arcade boards throughout the 1980s.
"May" Lee Jinju - KOF Universe
"May" Lee Jinju, conocida simplemente como M ay Lee, es un personaje que apareció por primera vez en The King Of Fighters 01. Es representada como una adolescente alegre que lucha por la justicia utilizando el taekwondo, cual discípula de Kim Kaphwan.
SNK倒闭了吗? - 知乎
SNK近几年本社出了女主大乱斗、拳皇14、侍魂晓,马上要出拳皇15。 这其中,其实除了SNK女主大乱斗以外,口碑都非常好。 拳皇14当年因为建模太丑被吐槽了好久,结果作品出来,手感和整体观感都还令玩家满意,侍魂晓更是好评如潮。 当然,从这几款游戏中,我们也可以看得出SNK的穷。 另外,SNK推出了2款怀旧主机,NEOGEO Mini,以及Neogeo Arcade Stick Pro。 其中NEOGEO mini凭借小巧复古的造型,赢得了市场青睐,销售非常好。 而时隔一年于2019年推 …
SNK - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SNK(日语: 株式会社SNK ,英語: SNK Corporation )是一家日本的電子遊戲公司,於1978年7月22日成立 [2] 。SNK此簡稱缘起自日文 新日本企画 的羅馬拼音:Shin Nihon Kikaku的三個字首 ,英譯為New Japan Project。
SNK - Wikipedia
SNK is known for its Neo Geo arcade system on which the company produced many in-house games and now-classic franchises during the 1990s, including Aggressors of Dark Kombat, Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, King of the Monsters, Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown, The King of Fighters, The Last Blade, Twinkle Star Sprites, and World Heroes; they continue ...