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GitHub - HDR/MBC30-Flashcart: MBC30 Version of the MBC3 …
MBC30 Version of the MBC3 flashcart for 4MB roms. Contribute to HDR/MBC30-Flashcart development by creating an account on GitHub.
MBC30 Flashcart Revision 1.4.2 - OSH Park
2020年8月25日 · The pinout for the MBC30 listed online is wrong, thanks to Alex over at InsideGadgets for providing a fixed MBC30 pinout. Replaced the flash chip footprint with a TSOP-40 footprint. Redid the ground plane by hand, it should now look much better. Moved the battery receptacle footprint 0.5mm to the left. Removed JLCJLCJLC marking for OSHPark project.
ZoomTen/mbc30test: MBC3 / MBC30 Test ROM - GitHub
This simple ROM aims to test your Game Boy, emulator, console or whatever that plays Game Boy games to check if it's MBC30-ready. It is inspired by HyperHacker's MBC3 Tester ROM, but with the addition of testing SRAM as well. The MBC30 is a variant of the MBC3 mapper that allows for up to 4MB ROM and 64KB SRAM.
自制Gameboy flash烧录器以及gbc时钟烧录卡-主机讨论-老男人游 …
2023年11月2日 · GBC支持真实时钟的只有口袋妖怪金银和口要妖怪水晶这三张卡,分别对应MBC3和MBC30两块芯片,其中MBC3支持最大2MB游戏rom烧入,MBC30支持最大4MBrom烧入。 因为现在二手市场里的口袋水晶贵的离谱,我只好选择了更为便宜的银。
Open Game Boy Documentation Project | gbdoc
The Japanese version of Pokémon Crystal contains a special MBC3 labelled MBC30, that can address twice the external RAM and twice the external ROM. (This is the only known difference; JP Crystal is also the only known cart to use MBC30)
游戏论坛 - Stage1st - Stage1st - stage1/s1 游戏动漫论坛
2024年12月30日 · 但是,在黑白机上游玩时,卡带必须支持 mbc30 芯片的 64kb 存档,否则游戏无法运行。 (MBC30 芯片在正版卡中有且仅有日文版《精灵宝可梦 水晶》中使用)
MBC30 Compatibility Reference Table - GitHub Gist
2023年1月27日 · MBC30 is a variant of the common MBC3 mapper that can access twice the memory as the regular variant. MBC30 allows for up to 4mb ROM and 64kb SRAM over MBC3's 2mb ROM and 32kb SRAM. It is only known to be used in the Japanese version of Pokemon Crystal, mainly for Mobile System GB features.
凑个热闹……评测一下EZ-flash Junior……2020-03-10更新-主机讨论
EZ-Flash junior是EZ小组在2019年12月新出的GB/GBC烧录卡,作为老牌的烧录卡厂商,在首发当日就很愉快的购入了2块。 (首发有优惠呢,买个2块做测试) 话不多说先看下官方目前支持的功能介绍: 1. 支持GB/GBC游戏. 2. 快速加载游戏,拷入即玩,无需烧录. 3. 支持真实时钟. 4. 支持软复位. 5. 支持最大游戏ROM:64Mbits. 6. 支持最大存档尺寸:1Mbits. 7. 支持各种商业ROM板型:MBC1,MBC2,MBC3,MBC5,MBC30,MBC1M. 8. 支持Gameboy,Gameboy …
MBC30 Flashcart | 4MB | FRAM | RTC | Crystal Clear Edition
2021年4月19日 · This is a flashcart for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color with RTC, 4MB of ROM, and 256kbit of non volatile memory.