AN/PRC-117 - Wikipedia
The AN/PRC-117 translates to "Army/Navy, Portable, Radio, Communication". It is a man-portable, tactical software-defined combat-net radio, manufactured by Harris Corporation (now L3Harris), in two different versions:
A perspective on multi-band, multi-mission radios - IEEE Xplore
Nov 8, 1995 · As the first generation of multi-band, multi-mission radios (MBMMR) have been deployed, the benefits and advantages of the technology for the battlefield communicator are becoming well known. For the first time, radios can be tailored to the mission rather than tailoring the mission to the radio.
Multiband multimode radio (MBMMR) technology applications in …
Abstract: SPEAKeasy is a DoD R&D effort developing a multiband multimode radio (MBMMR) capable of 2 MHz to 2 GHz operation, employing waveforms selected from memory, or downloaded from floppy disk. The key is the publication …
The AN/PSC-5D provides lightweight, secure, network-capable, multi-band/multi-mission, anti-jam, voice/imagery/data communications capability in a single package.
AN/PRC-117F | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/PRC-117F Multiband Manpack Radio, or Multiband Multi Mission Radio (MBMMR), is a man-portable, tactical software-defined combat-net radio covering the 30-512 MHz frequency range. The radio is manufactured by Harris Corporation. [1] . It has NSA certification for the transmission of voice and data traffic up to the Top Secret level. [2]
AN/PSC-5 Radio - American Special Operations Forces
The Raytheon AN/PSC-5 radios are a family of compact and lightweight manpack Multiband Multimode radios used by United States Special Operations Forces (SOF), including Delta Force.
Mar 16, 2005 · 近年来,软件无线电的技术被广泛地应用于陆地移动通信、卫星移动通信与全球通信系统,软件无线电成为解决数字移动通信中多种不同标准问题的最佳选择方式。 2 软件无线电的概念与结构. (1)软件无线电的概念. 究竟什么是软件无线电?芽关于软件无线电目前还没有一个统一的定义,存在很多种说法,但大体意思基本一致,我个人认为软件无线电可以这样理解:理想的软件无线电是一个多频段、多模式电台,它是以用总线方式连接的标准化、模块化的各硬件单 …
软件无线电及其在军事中的应用 - 电子工程世界
May 18, 2010 · 该计划的最终目的是开发一种能适应联合作战要求的三军统一的多频段、多模式电台即MBMMR (Multi-Band Multi-Mode Radio)电台。 MBMMR电台不仅能与常规的HF、VHF、UHF电台通信,而且还能与SINC-GARS、Have-QuickⅡ跳频电台以及卫星通信终端、Link11数据链终端、EPLRS设备等非常规通信装备进行话音通信和数据或视频传输,同时还能接入民用蜂窝系统,而且还具备GPS定位和定时同步功能。 MBMMR电台的组成框图如图2所示。 对于接收过 …
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an/psc-5d mbmmr certification dates -181b 638.30602 10/24/07 -182a 639.30602 10/24/07 -183 640.30602 10/24/07 -183a 641.30602 10/24/07 -cjcsi 642.30602
AN/PRC-117F(C) Multiband Multimission Radio Applications
The AN/PRC-117F (C) integrates the capabilities of several distinct radios into one: VHF-LO FM for combat net radio, VHF-HI AM for public safety and ground-to-air, UHF-AM for military ground-to-air and UHF TACSAT communications.