Útgarðar - Wikipedia
In another version of Norse mythology, Utgard is thought to be the last of the three worlds connected to Yggdrasil, being the home of the external cosmic forces. Utgard needs to be compared with the Midgard , the world of human affairs, and Asgard , variously attested at the crux of the matter, the centre of the world, as identified with Troy ...
Innangard and Utangard - Norse Mythology for Smart People
In Norse mythology and religion, geographical spaces and psychological states are often classified as being either innangard (pronounced “INN-ann-guard”; Old Norse innangarðr, “within the enclosure”) or utangard (pronounced “OOT-ann-guard”; Old Norse útangarðr, “beyond the …
Jotunheim - Norse Mythology for Smart People
Jotunheim is also known as Utgard (pronounced “OOT-guard;” Old Norse Útgarðr, “Beyond the Fence”), a name which establishes the realm as occupying one extreme end of the traditional Germanic conceptual spectrum between the innangard and the utangard. That which is innangard (“inside the fence”) is orderly, law-abiding, and ...
Útgarða-Loki - Wikipedia
In Norse mythology, Útgarða-Loki (Anglicized as Utgarda-Loki, Utgard-Loki, and Utgardsloki) is the ruler of the castle Útgarðr in Jötunheimr. He is one of the jötnar and his name means literally "Loki of the Outyards" or "Loki of the Outlands", to distinguish him from Loki , …
Scandinavia - Utgard - Myths and sagas
Útgard is a special fortress in Jotunheim. Its king is Utgard-Loki, a powerful sorcerer who plays a grand trick on the gods of Asgard, as they compete in trials of strength with the giants. The entire place and its inhabitants turn out to be an illusion, created by the giants to intimidate the gods.
乌特迦·洛奇 - 百度百科
乌特迦·洛奇(Útgarða-Loki、英语化是Utgarda-Loki、Utgard-Loki或Utgardsloki),或是译名为乌特加德·洛基。 他是北欧神话中的一名巨人君主,同时是巨人国约顿海姆(Jötunheim)境内的厄特加尔(Útgarðr、Utgard)城堡的统治者。
Jotunheim In Norse Mythology - NorseMythologist
2022年11月25日 · Jotunheim is also called Utgard, or Útgarðr in Old Norse. Popular opinion often claims that Norse mythology cites opposites of geographical regions and psychological states as “Innangarðr“ or “Útgarðr. “Innangarðr” means “within a fence,” and “Útgarðr“ means “outside a …
How can I start learning about norse mythology? : r/Norse - Reddit
2022年1月31日 · Hi! It appears you have mentioned Daniel McCoy, his book The Viking Spirit or the website Norse Mythology for Smart People! But did you know that McCoy's work: Is mostly based off Wikipedia and Rudolf Simek's A Dictionary of Northern Mythology? Contains numerous mistakes and outdated research?
Grím Jotne (c.345 - d.) - Genealogy - Geni.com
2024年12月22日 · In the Japanese manga Attack on Titan, Castle Utgard stood within Wall Rose, close to its perimeter. In Norse mythology, Utgard was the stronghold of the giants. In the video game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, one of the locations the party visits is modelled after and named Jotunheim.
The Tale of Utgarda-Loki - Norse Mythology for Smart People
Well-known though it may be, the story of the journey of Thor to the castle of the giant Utgarda-Loki in Jotunheim is a confused jumble of elements from Norse mythology, fun but flippant fairy tales, and the rather capricious pen of their compiler and synthesizer, the medieval Christian Icelander Snorri Sturluson.