McGill EKG Learning Project
Learning to read an EKG is an essential clinical skill that every clerk should be comfortable with. During ward rotations, the clerk will often be the first person to read an EKG and knowing what …
Cardiovascular Lab: Electrocardiogram: Introduction
The electrocardiograph (abbreviated ECG or EKG) is a device that picks up electrical activity originating in the heart from the surface of the body. In the clinic, the ECG is one of the most …
McGill Virtual Cardiology - YouTube
Educational videos aimed to improve learning and understanding of clinical cardiology and ECGs. Virtual Cardiology is a joint collaboration between students,...
McGill EKG Learning Project - Faculty of Medicine and Health …
1. To identify an EKG as showing sinus rhythm, we want to see a P-wave before each QRS. We also want to see that the P-waves are actually coming from the SA node - which is located in …
Cardiology - McGill University Health Centre
The cardiovascular program at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) provides multi-disciplinary integrated care, from primary to quaternary levels. Cardiovascular disease …
Specialized Cardiology Clinics - McGill University
McGill University Health Centre 1001 Decarie Boulevard Montreal, Quebec H4A 3J1 Administration: 514-934-1934 x34630 Clinical: 514-843-1505. Column 1. McGill University …
McGill Case 5 - ECGpedia
The rhythm is atrial flutter with flutter waves seen best in the inferior leads and in leads V1 to V3. The atrial rate is about 250/min. The QRS is wide (>120ms) an there is a tall R' wave in V1 …
McGill Case 361 - ECGpedia
This case report is kindly provided by Michael Rosengarten from McGill and is part of the McGill Cases. These cases come from the McGill EKG World Encyclopedia. Previous Case: McGill …
Cardiovascular Laboratory ECG> Experiments - Faculty of …
One member of the group listens with the stethoscope to the subject's heartbeat to determine where the two well-separated heart sounds fall on the ECG trace. The first heart sound S 1 is …
McGill Case 57 - ECGpedia
The first EKG shows an atrial tachycardia at about 240/min. (slow atrial flutter?) with 2:1 A/V block. The atrial activity is best seen in leads V1, III and aVF. This second EKG is interesting …