Linc MCPTT - Southern Linc
The Linc MCPTT smartphone app lets users talk via private or group radio across Southern Linc's CriticalLinc network or wherever Wi-Fi is available. The application can be downloaded to …
Linc MCPTT on the App Store
Make PTT calls to Southern Linc PTT users using any carrier’s smartphone. Linc MCPTT, powered by Ericsson, offers a secure, optimized PTT experience. This smartphone Push-To …
MCPTT功能架构和信息流 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MCPTT(Mission Critical Push To Talk)服务支持多个用户之间的通信(比如对讲机),每个用户都可以通过仲裁方式获得访问权限。 MCPTT服务还支持两个用户之间的私人通话。 MCPTT …
MCOP - Mission Critical Open Platform
MCOP aims at facing the challenges of the new MCPTT complex ecosystem through the definition, development and validation of a MCPTT UE Open Platform (MCOP) that identifies …
Kodiak Broadband Push-to-Talk - Motorola Solutions
Find out how to get the right MCPTT solution for you. Improve productivity, increase awareness and enhance safety. Provides instantaneous private and group communication at the push of …
今天聊一聊这个国际通用的关键任务通信服务MCS - 知乎
MCPTT(Mission Critical Push-To-Talk)是针对需要实时、高可靠性、紧急通信的用户场景而设计的应用子集,提供一种基于 IP 网络的集群对讲服务,实现类似于模拟对讲机的功能。它不仅 …
WAVE PTX on the App Store
Take Push-To-Talk Further: Based on 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (MCPTT) standards, WAVE PTT provides fast, secure, reliable broadband PTT …
An Android application for Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT ...
The MCOP MCPTT Client v2.0 comprises different elements connected by Android’s binder mechanism including the MCPTT Client GUI, the MCOP SDK (responsible of MCPTT …
First release of the Mission Critical Open Platform (MCOP) source …
Released with the MCOP SDK, the sample MCPTT app serves as a simple proof of concept of what can be achieved in a few lines of code using the MCOP SDK. Both the app and the SDK …
JRC-MCPTT - jrclte.com
JRC MCVDT is a state-of-the-art modern IP-based Mission Critical Application including a Push-To-Talk (PTT), video, and data (MCX) solution that uses all technical capacities of ordinary …