CACMS - MyTravelGov
Sign in to manage your requests or check your application status at any time. U.S. citizen/national parent (s) can now submit or manage an application online to transmit citizenship or nationality to a child born abroad. Eligible U.S. citizens who are applying for routine service can now renew their passport online.
Create a MyTravelGov Account
1 天前 · MyTravelGov provides a modernized platform where you can submit and check on requests to the Bureau of Consular Affairs. To get started, create MyTravelGov account. With an account, you can apply for an electronic Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) in most countries. Follow the steps in the video to setup your account today!
Online platform for airline staff to manage travel benefits and bookings.
Defense Travel System
2025年3月12日 · Your Travel Management Hub for DoD Trips. Military members and DoD Civilian personnel can book official travel and manage travel expenses.
I94 - Official Website
International travelers visiting the United States can apply for or retrieve their I-94 admission number/record (which is proof of legal visitor status) as well as retrieve a limited travel history of their U.S. arrivals and departures.
DoD Booking Systems - Defense Travel Management Office
Defense Travel System. In the Defense Travel System, or DTS, users can search for airline, hotel, and rental car reservations, check per diem rates, and prepare personal travel documents or, with the proper permissions, documents for others.
Airline? myIDTravel @ 2025
MyGovTrip: Fast and Effective Tools For Simplified Government Travel
MyGovTrip offers travelers the most accurate and up-to-date information for both official and leisure travel. Find commercial flight schedules as well as all Government contract schedules and fares with the 8 airlines in the program, Per Diems, hotels, car rentals and more. Easy access - no passwords or registrations required!
myIDTravel - China Airlines
進入myIDTravel首頁, 點選上方選項 "Booking/Listing", 選擇開立航空公司. 開立之前, 建議先點選 "ID Agreements", 熟讀各航ZED規定. 該平台系統供應商會對每票聯航段收取 如下表 的手續費 (myIDTravel Fee, 以稅金收取). 建議一張票開立一個航段 (請參考3.退票規定). 機票收取幣別依各航系統設定, 系統會自動將ZED票價及稅金轉換成收取幣別. 因開票航空即為承運航空, 僅可乘坐開票航空之航班, 不可搭乘CI及其他聯航. 請留存電子機票資料, 以應未來可能更改訂位或退票參考. …
My Travel 大蒼|旅行外出用品
My Travel, my treasure! 每次的旅行,都是屬於您獨特的回憶。 我們無法預測旅程中可能有的驚喜, 但我們可以從好的起程開始...