Messerschmitt Me 264 - Wikipedia
The Messerschmitt Me 264 was a long-range strategic bomber developed during World War II for the German Luftwaffe as its main strategic bomber. The design was later selected as Messerschmitt 's competitor in the Reichsluftfahrtministerium ' s (the German Air Ministry) Amerikabomber (America Bomber) programme, for a strategic bomber capable of ...
ME-264轰炸机 - 百度百科
ME-264轰炸机(英文:Me 264 Strategic Bomber)是德国在第二次世界大战时研发的四引擎长程重型轰炸机,设计目标是能够自德国飞越大西洋轰炸美国本土(主要是纽约),在1942年12月23日进行首飞,但由于后期战局恶化,计划在1944年取消,以使梅塞施密特能集中资源 ...
【381作战室】载具科普#8:梅塞施密特Me 264 - 哔哩哔哩
梅塞施密特Me 264是一款二战期间为德国空军研发的远程战略轰炸机。 她的设计方案被德意志帝国航空部选作“轰炸美利坚”计划的竞标者,该计划旨在研发一种能从位于法国或亚速尔群岛的基地起飞、执行轰炸纽约任务的战略轰炸机。 Three prototypes were built but production was abandoned to allow Messerschmitt to concentrate on fighter production and the Junkers Ju 390 was selected in its place as a maritime reconnaissance aircraft.
Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber: The Luftwaffe's Lost …
2023年6月5日 · Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber: The Luftwaffe's Lost Transatlantic Bomber. A comprehensive synopsis of the design, development, and flight testing of the Messerschmitt Me 264, the German prototype long-range bomber of World War II that would have brought the Blitz to Manhattan. Includes previously …
Messerschmitt Me 264 (Amerika Bomber) - Military Factory
Performance from the BMW 801 series (G or H) radial engines netted the Me 264 a top speed of 350 miles per hour with an impressive range of 9,500 miles. The service ceiling was a reported 26,000 feet with a rate-of-climb equaling 390 feet per minute.
Me 264 : the Luftwaffe's First 'America Bomber' - MILAVIA
2008年2月1日 · Article on the Luftwaffe's efforts to develop its first strategic bomber. The result was the Messerschmitt Me-264, capable of bombing US cities and protecting the U-boat fleet in the Atlantic.
2020年3月30日 · Me 264采用当时不常见的前三点式起落架,由于机型庞大前起落架原计划使用双轮,不过试验结果显示操作性较差后改为单机轮。 更有意思的是,随着航程和载弹量的不断增加,为满足满载条件下顺利起飞,以及减少空中油耗甚至设计了可抛式外轮(V2-3型包括翼 ...
Me 264. Strategic Bomber - AirPages
Three revised series versions of the Me 264 emerged: Range: 13,600 km (with two auxiliary tanks). Maximum speed at 6,300 m — 580 km/h. Max flight duration = 40 hours. Three cameras to be fitted at rear. Planned with four BMW 801 E engines and …
Me 264 America bomber - WW2 Weapons
Unofficially called the ‘America bomber’, the Messerschmitt Me 264 was an unarmed long-range bomber with an exceptionally long range of 45 hours flying time, carrying 3,968lb (1,800 kg) of bombs on the route from Berlin to New York.
0还是1?二战德国重轰炸机系列(1):Me 264 - 哔哩哔哩
这个团队实地调查后沮丧地发现,如果me264被制造出来,那么她的性能至少能达到设计指标90%以上。 要知道,即使按最低的标准12000km来算,me264的航程也在10000km以上。 别看都是一国人,这个调查组可不是为了让264加速投产才来的。 就在几个月前的1942年初,米尔希又开始削减那些短时间不能见效的项目。 本来264榜上有名,但是因为德国空军总参谋长与米尔希的矛盾,me264的项目被奇迹般保存,虽然又削了。 试飞. 开头我们说到,me264v1的试飞是成功 …