About VT-5 tank - General Discussion - Dev Server - War Thunder
2025年3月13日 · It amazes me how the CBR mods and developers refuse to take action on such an obvious issue. It’s like if they gave the F-16 2 verticals stabilizers and denied any reports saying it only has one, despite every piece of evidence conceivable saying it only has one.
Help me - Community Related - War Thunder — official forum
2025年3月8日 · Hello to all the administrators and all the respected users of the popular game War Thunder I actually have a little hearing problem. When I play with rank 8 planes. Due to my hearing loss, sometimes I don’t understand the sound of enemy missiles locking. My hearing problem has been congenital since birth until now. I would like to ask you to add some alerts to the game screen. For example ...
Me 163 fuel time - #15 by TT33a - Aircraft - War Thunder
But the Me 163 B-0 with the 20mm MG 151s definitely can go back down to 8.3 or 8.0 as a tradeoff of having low-calibre cannon firepower with more ammo. It’s also worth noting the Soviet BI rocket plane counterpart at its current state and BR is questionable against the things it …
Is there a way to stop matchmaker from making me play with US …
2025年3月2日 · Well, title says it all, but I clarify some points. The premium spam is one of the reasons why the equation (US on your team = you lose) is true. another reason being that playing against soviet zerg rush with teammates that doesn’t cooperate is suboptimal to say the least. Idk, certain maps that I should avoid, anything… It’s just not …
Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses
2024年9月29日 · Decrease from 130% to 100%. Decrease from 60% to 40%. Decrease from 100% to 80%. If I only get 80% for taking an aircraft out of the game instead of 100%, that is a reduction.
Expanded Ground U.S Tech Tree - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年11月14日 · poll this is my first post so i’m not familiar with the UI so if there’s anything i can do to make this better please let me know. I made a concept of what a full U.S ground tech tree could look like, i mainly focused on where the U.S suffers but there is a lot of everything here. I have added over 200+ vehicles into tech tree, a lot of which are mid-top tier. i …
Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research
2025年2月5日 · 329 Interesting, so there actually is a variant of the Ho-Ri that would conform to Gaijins rather arbitrary rules. Thank you for actually taking the time and providing a source instead of just brushing me off and telling me to just look for japanese sources as if it was a given that everyone on the Internet speaks Japanese.
Nerf Me-163B and Me-163B-0 br - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年3月3日 · At the moment in game Me-163 is a plane that suffers, cause he has total 3 min of fuel, without air spawn. Yes, this plane has good maneuverability, but that’s all it has. Most of its opponents have more ammunition/fuel/max speed. Its variaton Me-163B-0 can face to face with F-104, lol subsonic ww2 plane meet the supersonic coldwar plane because it has additional guns installed… It’s crazy
About BR of F-16A OCU in Thailand - Aircraft - War Thunder
2024年12月19日 · The current BR for the F-16A OCU is unjustified and the aim-120, which is a non-historical armament, should be removed and should be lowered to 13.0. <details><summary>Bug report about aim-120 in F-16A OCU</summary>Community Bug Reporting System Community Bug Reporting System</details>
Can someone explain me how is AIM-120 tracking me thru …
2024年11月25日 · Oke so since missile is tracking me even when Im at 25meters, does that mean if I goone head on at 25m that missile would nto hit me? No. not necessarily. Think of multipathing like the ground is a mirror. When you are below 60m. The missile confuses you with your reflection in the mirror and targets the reflection instead. (massive over ...