Messerschmitt Me P.1102/5 Luft '46 entry
During the summer of 1944, the Messerschmitt Me P.1102 series was being developing at the same time as the Me P.1101 project. Both were swing-wing designs, except the P.1102 was being developed as a fast bomber and heavy fighter. The variable-sweep wings were mounted in the center of the fuselage and could be swept between 15 and 50 degrees.
[LUFTWAFFE 1946]Messerschmitt Me P.1102/5 - 新浪博客
而Me P.1102/5则不同,这架飞机是真正的变后掠翼纵深突防轰炸机/远程战斗机,有一点类似后来的F-111。 飞机的机翼掠角可以在20度到50度之间改变。
Peter Allen's Luft '46 Aircraft Profile - Bombers
Peter Allen's Luft '46 Aircraft Profile - BombersBombers
Messerschmitt P1102 swing wing - SimplePlanes
The Messerschmitt Me P.1102/105 project’s unusual three-engine power plant arrangement, in particular, was employed on the Martin XB-51 high-speed attack-interceptor which first flew in mid-1949
Messerschmitt Me P.1102/105 (Antares Models, Resin)
POWER PLANT: Three Heinkel-Hirth HeS 011 turbojet engines, rated at 1,200 kp each. PERFORMANCE: 627 mph. COMMENT: During the summer of 1944, the Messerschmitt Me P.1102/105 project was on the drawing board at the same time as the Me P.1101 projects were designed, e. g. Me P.1101/92, Me P.1101/99 and Me P.1101/101.
Messerschmitt Me P.1102 B - World of Warplanes
Preliminary design for a heavy multirole jet aircraft. Never went past the initial concept phase. The specifications are shown for a crew with 100% proficiency. Indicates the capacity to withstand …
战机世界 第十级 德国 Me P.1102 B 德国的系列都全了
战机世界 第十级 德国 Me P.1102 B 德国的系列都全了, 视频播放量 2075、弹幕量 4、点赞数 27、投硬币枚数 4、收藏人数 16、转发人数 2, 视频作者 gamecenteruk, 作者简介 ,相关视频:
Me P.1102/105 - wardrawings.be
3 x BMW 003 or Heinkel-Hirth He S 011 jet engines were to be employed. Maximum speed: 1010 km/h Bomb load: 3000 kg of bombs src: Peter Allen (Lutwaffe'46)Messerschmitt Me-262A-2 Sturmvogel Fighter-Bomber
Me P.1102 - SimplePlanes
During the Second World War, inGermany research already carried out into the possibility of using adjustable wings. Messerschmitt developed for this purpose, the Me P.1102 series. It worked then even the Me P.1101project. The Me P.1102 was developed as a fast bomber and Zerstörer. The wings were arranged in the middle of the fuselage.
[SU1946] Messerschmitt Me P.1102/5Z (ROC) - SimplePlanes
This is the Simple Universe version of the Messerschmitt Me P.1102/5. Set to be Messerschmitt's response to the Soviet and Chinese Communists' strategy of using strong ground attack support to penetrate air defenses and attack before Allied fighters can respond.