Meta Quest 2: Immersive All-In-One VR Headset | Meta Store
Shop the Meta Quest 2 all-in-one VR headset and immerse yourself within new virtual worlds. Explore everything that our second gen VR device has to offer.
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Meta Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — …
2021年7月21日 · Meta Quest 2 is the all-in-one system that truly sets you free to explore in VR. Simply put on the headset and enter fully-immersive, imagination-defying worlds. A built-in battery, fast processor and immersive graphics keep your experience smooth and seamless, while 3D positional audio, hand tracking and easy-to-use controllers make virtual ...
Meta Quest 2: Our Most Advanced New All-in-One VR Headset
Meta Quest 2 is our newest, most advanced all-in-one VR system yet. Explore an expansive library of awe-inspiring games and immersive experiences with unparalleled freedom.
Quest 2测评:不惊艳,但真的香(一) - 知乎专栏
在今年Facebook Connect开发者大会上,马克·扎克伯格宣布大家期待已久的 Oculus Quest 2,以最低299美元(约 2000 元)的售价向VR硬件市场投下的一枚重磅炸弹。 在经过32天的漂洋过海和隔离期,陀螺君终于拿到了这款心心念念的Quest 2,通过4天的折腾和测试,陀螺君基本对这款设备有了一个比较全面的了解。 后续,VR陀螺将通过两篇文章分别从外观、硬件优化、佩戴体验,以及连接操作、环境测试等方面来进行分享。 废话不多说,先给出总结:“没有达到预期, …
Meta Quest 2 VR 简评+指南 - 什么值得买
2022年2月23日 · 偶然发现了VR这个玩意还算“成熟”了,对比Pico Neo 3和Oculus Quest 2后,还是选择了更难折腾的Quest 2。 64G版本全新美亚2.1k到手,DHL物流23天。 目前统一升级为128G起步。
Meta Quest 2 — All-in-One Wireless VR Headset — 128GB
Meta Quest 2 is the all-in-one system that truly sets you free to explore in VR. With no wires or cables, simply put on the headset, draw out your play space, and jump into fully-immersive, imagination-defying worlds.
Meta Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 128 GB
2021年8月1日 · Step inside new realities with Meta Quest 2, our most advanced VR system yet. Explore new dimensions of gaming, social and entertainment or revolutionise your fitness regime. Using only the Meta Quest smartphone app, your Facebook account and a wireless internet connection, you’ll be ready to go within minutes.
Meta Quest 2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Quest 2是对第一代Oculus Quest的更新。 相较于Quest,Quest 2具有类似的设计,更轻的重量,新一代的内部硬件,更高 刷新率 和单眼分辨率的显示屏,以及新一代的 Oculus Touch 控制器。
Meta Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — …
Experience total immersion with 3D positional audio, hand tracking and haptic feedback, working together to make virtual worlds feel real. Explore an expanding universe of over 250 titles across gaming, fitness, social/multiplayer and entertainment, including exclusive blockbuster releases and totally unique VR experiences.
Meta Quest 3与Meta Quest 2:有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
不过不少专业人士表示,Meta即将推出的Quest 3并没有让Quest 2过时。 在最近的一条推文中,Meta首席技术官Andrew Bosworth表示,随着焦点转向Quest 3,对Quest 2的支持将仍然持续相当长一段时间,而Quest 2在短暂的价格上涨后,售价将会降低,比此前便宜300美元。
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