Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase separation …
2018年7月27日 · Here we demonstrate that the SE-enriched transcriptional coactivators BRD4 and MED1 form nuclear puncta at SEs that exhibit properties of liquid-like condensates and are disrupted by chemicals that perturb condensates.
Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase ... - Science
Here we demonstrate that the SE-enriched transcriptional coactivators BRD4 and MED1 form nuclear puncta at SEs that exhibit properties of liquid-like condensates and are disrupted by …
Science亮点丨超级增强子通过相分离调控基因表达 - 知乎
PhaSePro - MED1
Purified recombinant MED1-IDR-GFP fusion protein exhibited concentration-dependent liquid-liquid phase separation. Droplets of MED1-IDR could incorporate and concentrate purified OCT4-GFP to form heterotypic droplets (PMID:30449618). Literature supporting the LLPS: 29930091, 29930094, 30449618
The regulation of liquid‐liquid phase separated condensates …
2023年9月21日 · Nucleic acids can regulate LLPS of the protein by means of the sequence specificity. Shrinivas et al. have analyzed how the sequence of the enhancer affected the LLPS of MED1 and OCT4 mixture. DNA originals with specific binding sites facilitate the condensation formation of MED1 and OCT4 mixture in low protein concentrations.
Roles of the BRD4 short isoform in phase separation and active …
2020年3月16日 · Furthermore, the structurally disordered C terminus of BRD4L can incorporate MED1 and transcription factors into phase-separated condensates at enhancer sites in chromatin 18, 19; the...
Liquid–liquid phase separation drives cellular function and
LLPS is predicted to underlie super-enhancer function 39 (Fig. 2a) and, indeed, purified recombinant BRD4 and MED1, a core mediator subunit, were shown to phase-separate via their IDRs in vitro...
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92288653 - bioRxiv
2024年3月18日 · The 6KR (or control WT) MED1 IDR exhibits LLPS properties distinct from those of the 6KQ (or CBP-acetylated WT) MED1 IDR -- including the size and fluidity of droplets and heterogeneity within co-condensates.
Pharmacological Inhibition of Core Regulatory Circuitry …
2021年8月25日 · Liquid–liquid phase-separated (LLPS) transcriptional factor assemblies at super-enhancers (SEs) provide a conceptual framework for underlying transcriptional control in mammal cells. However, the mechanistic understanding of LLPS in aberrant transcription driven by dysregulation of SEs in human malignancies is still elusive.
2023年5月15日 · 近日,清华大学药学院 饶燏 团队、清华大学医学院 李海涛 团队与清华大学生命学院 李丕龙 团队合作,在 Cell Discovery 期刊发表了题为:BRD4-targeting PROTAC as a unique tool to study biomolecular condensates 的研究论文。 研究团队利用 PROTAC 高效、快速、可逆、动态降解靶蛋白的特性,通过降解 BRD4 探究其相关生物大分子凝聚物形成特征,联用免疫荧光染色和高通量测序对PROTAC诱导的靶蛋白分相形态和功能的改变进行监测,揭示该过程 …