Meng Tang, University of California Merced
Jacob Schnell, Jieke Wang, Lu Qi, Vincent Tao Hu, Meng Tang Workshop on SyntaGen at IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-W) , June 2024. [PDF] [Code]
2018 Meng Tang, Federico Perazzi, Abdelaziz Djelouah, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christopher Schroers, and Yuri Boykov. On Regularized Losses for Weakly-supervised CNN Segmentation.
rectly used in zero-shot fashion (Meng et al. 2021), enabling users to manipulate images without specific training on edit-ing tasks (Bansal et al. 2023). The progress made in diffu-sion models …
Mujahid Al Rafi1 Yuan Feng1 Fan Yao2 Meng Tang1 Hyeran Jeon1 1University of California, Merced 2University of Central Florida Abstract With the growing burden of training deep …
CSE185 - mengtang.org
Instructor: Meng Tang; Email: [email protected]; Office hours: Online every Tuesday from 10AM to 11AM, Zoom link; Teaching assistant: Weijie Lyu ([email protected]) Topics. …
For instance, the recent studies in Tang et al. (2018b,a) showed that direct regularization losses, e.g., dense conditional random field (CRF) or pairwise clustering, can yield outstanding …
4 M.Tang, D.Marin, I.B.Ayed, Y.Boykov assuming that they are easier to optimize. An auxiliary function at(S) at iteration t is an upper bound for E(S) touching the original energy at the …
Improved delay-range-dependent stability criteria for linear systems with interval time-varying delays . Meng Tang. 1, Yan-Wu Wang. 1, Changyun Wen
Meng Tang Ismail Ben Ayedy Dmitrii Marin Yuri Boykov Computer Science Department, University of Western Ontario, Canada yEcole de Technologie Sup´ erieure, University of …
Meng Tang Lena Gorelick Olga Veksler Yuri Boykov University of Western Ontario Canada Abstract Among image segmentation algorithms there are two major groups: (a) methods …