Mentha arvensis - Wikipedia
Mentha arvensis, the corn mint, field mint, or wild mint, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae. It has a circumboreal distribution, being native to the temperate regions of Europe and western and central Asia, east to the Himalaya and …
野薄荷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
野薄荷 (学名: Mentha arvensis),也称 土薄荷 、 玉米薄荷,是 薄荷属 下的一种。 其范围遍及 环北方带,在有湿润土壤的欧洲、西亚、东亚都有分布,东至西 喜马拉雅山脉 和 西伯利亚 的东部,以及 北美 [1][2][3]。 它是一种 多年生 草本植物,高10-60厘米(特殊情况能长到100厘米)。 对生 叶序,叶片较小,2-6.5厘米长,1-2厘米宽,长毛,边缘为齿状。 其花呈淡紫色(有时候会使白色或粉色),为簇群分布,每个花朵直径为3-4毫米 [3][4][5]。 它有六个 亚种: [1] Mentha …
日本薄荷 - 百度百科
日本薄荷的学名是“Menthaarvensis”, 第二次世界大战 前在北海道大量生产,当作天然结晶薄荷脑的材料,曾在1937年输出374吨,高居当时全球输出量的第一位。 北海道是从1883年开始在日本的高地种植薄荷,从1890年开始大量栽培并萃取精油。 这是因为当时爆发了 日俄战争,日本政府为了取得外币而采取的策略。 欧薄荷在日本得历史也很悠久,在1909年就由当时的农商务省引进。 薄荷叶被当作中药使用,除了可调节药物的味道、驱风、整肠之外也能用来解热、发汗、健胃 …
Mentha arvensis L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
First published in Sp. Pl.: 577 (1753) The native range of this species is Europe to Kamchatka and Nepal. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. It is used as a medicine and for food.
Mentha arvensis (Wild Mint) - Minnesota Wildflowers
Clusters of about 20 flowers around the leaf axils along much of the plant, blooming from the bottom of the plant up. Individual flowers are about 1/8 inch long and tubular. The upper lip is notched into 2 parts, the lower lip has 3 lobes of equal size. 4 …
Mentha arvensis - field mint - web.pdx.edu
Mentha arvensis is found all the way around the north pole, extending as far south as New Mexico. It is the only native mint species here in the northwest, and is also the most common. It is found extensively west of the Cascades.
Mentha arvensis (Wild Mint) - World of Flowering Plants
Mentha arvensis is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall. It has a creeping rootstock from which produces erect or semi-sprawling squarish stems. Leaves are simple, hairy, coarsely serrated, and arranged in opposite pairs. They are up to 2.6 inches (6.5 cm) long and up to 0.8 inches (2 cm) wide.
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BWSR Featured Plant
Recognized world-wide, Mentha arvensis is a popular species that possesses an interesting origin story in Greek mythology. Mentha, the name deriving from Mintho, was mistress to Hades. Upon discovery of Mintho, jealous Persephone trampled her until she transformed into a lowly plant to be forever walked on. As one of the few native mint
Mentha arvensis — ginger mint - Go Botany
Mentha aquatica × Mentha arvensis → Mentha ×verticllata L. is a rare mint hybrid known from CT, VT. It is variable (like many mint hybrids), and the inflorescence varies from subverticillate to subcapitate.
Mentha canadensis - Wikipedia
Mentha canadensis is a species of mint native to North America (from the Northwest Territories to central Mexico) and the eastern part of Asia (from Siberia to Java).In North America, it is commonly known as Canada mint, [4] American wild mint, [5] and in Asia as Chinese mint, Sakhalin mint, [6] Japanese mint, [7] and East Asian wild mint. [8] The flowers are bluish or have a slight violet tint.