Mephedrone - Drugs-Forum
2010年1月3日 · Mephedrone is a Class B controlled substance, effective 16th April 2010. This came into effect due to an amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which controls a number of synthetic derivatives of cathinone. The penalties for possession and supply of mephedrone are therefore in line with other class B controlled substances.
Mephedrone - Bluelight.org
2020年5月22日 · I would do mephedrone at home on my own (I did it with a female friend only once, I'm a straight woman), couldn't focus on anyone and anything else while under the influence, really, except that immense high. But then I totally hate having sex on drugs, only exception is weed. Mephedrone and ketamine, it was known as CK I think. Sounds hardcore!
mephedrone - Drugs-Forum
2024年3月31日 · Urine Test Mephedrone (4-mmc) and 10 panel urine tests. Hello everyone, Will Mephedrone (4-MMC) show up on ...
Vaporization/Smoking of Mephedrone - Drugs-Forum
2008年8月22日 · I think smoking mephedrone is likely a bad idea.I had started to IV mephedrone for a fast acting high,and allthough he enjoyed it,the effects didnt last long and also after a time the only effects he got was huge nervousness and a feeling of being on edge (he didnt use more than a half gram in a 2 week period,for around 2 months).So knowing how ...
Dose - The true Mephedrone dosage? - Drugs-Forum
2009年4月20日 · I have never used Mephedrone before and only has experience with Marijuana, but has not ingested any drugs other than Nictotine and Caffiene in the last six months. A friend of I have suggested if he wants to try Mephedrone, he should "bomb" it wrapped in a Teabag or Cigarette papers, around 250mg and then settle in for a 1.5-2.5 hour ride, and ...
MDMA after Mephedrone (4-MMC) | Bluelight.org
2021年2月16日 · Don't think the MDMA would be blunted that much, but it depends on how much mephedrone you did. Most people don't just do 1 dose of mephedrone. Don't know about loss of magic, permatolerance seems unlikely though. You really don't need more than 2 grams of mephedrone, and even that's quite a bit. It's terrible for your heart and body in general.
Snorting - How to snort Mephedrone effectively? - Drugs-Forum
2010年1月6日 · I find on Mephedrone that if he snorts too hard after making his lines, the Mephedrone either goes straight down his throat, or if snorted too lightly, it doesnt reach the necessary places. Or, when SWIM finishes his line of Mephedrone, the small sniffs he uses to make sure the Mephedrone does not fall out of his nose makes the Mephedrone go ...
Injecting Intravenous use of Mephedrone - Three Reports
2010年2月16日 · The effects of a Mephedrone shot are listed below in the order the effects happen. The effects marked with * only occured during the really large shots of Mephedrone. Plunger pushed all the way down.-Heart rate increases slightly -Stong chemical taste in back of mouth-Lips flush really hot for a split*-Can smell the chemical and blood*-Mouth drys
LSD + Mephedrone | Bluelight.org
2004年12月24日 · Mephedrone is a stimulant if im not mistaken right and I mixing uppers with doses isnt my favorite combo ...
Mephedrone vs Methylone - Bluelight.org
2008年1月2日 · After doing a bit of reading on erowid about Methylone (bk-MDMA), it's effects, as well as duration seem similar to that of Mephedrone (4-methymethcathinone). But never having tried methylone, i was hoping some people could make some pros and cons, and comparisons of methylone to mephedrone...