Messier 39 - Wikipedia
Messier 39 or M39, also known as NGC 7092, is an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Cygnus, sometimes referred to as the Pyramid Cluster. It is positioned two degrees south of the star Pi Cygni [7] and around 9° east-northeast of Deneb. [8]
Messier 39 - Messier Objects
2015年5月13日 · Messier 39 (M39) is a large open cluster located in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. The cluster has an apparent magnitude of 5.5 and lies at a distance of 824.4 light years from Earth. It has the designation NGC 7092 in the New General Catalogue.
Messier 39 (NGC 7092) | Cygnus | Go Astronomy
Messier 39 (NGC 7092) is an open cluster located in the constellation Cygnus, in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. M39 is 1000 light years away from Earth.
Messier 39 (NGC 7092): A Larger Cluster of Straggling Stars in …
2023年6月18日 · Messier 39 is an open star cluster in the constellation of Cygnus, best viewed in summer or late autumn. The astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil first recorded the stellar object in 1749 with Charles Messier adding it to his collection almost 20 years later in 1764.
Messier 39 an Open Star Cluster - Astro_Observer
Messier 39 (M39) is an open star cluster located in the constellation Cygnus. Situated at a distance of approximately 825 light-years from Earth, M39 is a relatively close and bright cluster in our night sky.
Pictures of Messier 39 - BBC Sky at Night Magazine
Messier 39 - or NGC 7092 - is a large open star cluster in the constellation Cygnus, about 800 lightyears away.
Messier 39. The Pyramid Cluster - AstroBin
Messier 39 is a beautiful open cluster in Cygnus. It consists of over 30 stars, with several blue giants. It is also known as the Pyramid Cluster. M39 is surrounded by many areas of Ha and dark nebulae. I photographed M39 in between other targets in early September. I …
Messier 39 - Pyramid Cluster (Rafał Szwejkowski) - AstroBin
M39 is a rather loose cluster with the angular size of a full moon. It's young at 300My and located at a distance of 800-1000 LY, making it one of the closer open clusters. HaLRGB combination reveals the rich hydrogen background of Cygnus. Please log in or sign up to leave a comment. Very-very brigth and nice stars! I love them! Great picture!
Messier 39 - The NGC 7092 Open Star Cluster - Universe Today
2017年4月10日 · "In the night of October 24 to 25, 1764, I observed a cluster of stars near the tail of Cygnus: One distinguishes them with an ordinary (nonachromatic) refractor of 3 and a half feet; they don't...
Messier 39 - AstroBin
M39, also known as NGC 7092, is a beautiful open cluster located only 800 light-years away in a dense portion of the Milky Way in Cygnus. Its age is estimated between 230 and 300 million years and it ...