Metastasis - Wikipedia
Metastasis involves a complex series of steps in which cancer cells leave the original tumor site and migrate to other parts of the body via the bloodstream, via the lymphatic system, or by direct extension.
METASTASIS中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
METASTASIS翻译:(癌细胞)转移。 了解更多。
Metastasis - Cell Press
2023年4月13日 · Metastasis, the growth of cancer cells in organs distant from the one in which they originated, is the ultimate and most lethal manifestation of cancer. The vast majority of cancer patients die as a consequence of their metastatic disease and not due to primary tumors.
Metasta, UAB - Rekvizitai.lt
Metasta, UAB (kodas 302855563) buvo įkurta 2012-09-06. Pagrindinė įmonės veikla yra naudingosios iškasenos. Įmonę valdo 1 akcininkas (įmonė). 2023 metais Metasta, UAB pardavimo pajamos siekė 4 623 890 Eur, o pelnas prieš mokesčius buvo 124 378 Eur. Naujausiais Sodros duomenimis, įmonės darbuotojų skaičius yra 20.
Metastatic Cancer: When Cancer Spreads - NCI - National Cancer …
2025年1月17日 · In metastasis, cancer cells break away from where they first formed and form new tumors in other parts of the body. Metastatic cancer does not always cause symptoms. When symptoms do occur, what they are like and how often you have them will depend on the size and location of the metastatic tumors. Some common signs of metastatic cancer include:
What Is Metastasis? (Stage IV, Metastatic or Secondary Cancer)
Metastasis happens when cancer cells break off from the original tumor, enter your bloodstream or lymphatic system, and then spread to other areas of your body. Doctors can’t cure most metastatic cancers, but treatment can help manage your symptoms. Metastatic cancer spreads through your blood or lymph system. What is metastasis?
Metastasis - PubMed
2023年4月13日 · Metastasis requires the acquisition of a succession of traits to disseminate, variably enter and exit dormancy, and colonize distant organs. The success of these events is driven by clonal selection, the potential of metastatic cells to dynamically transition into distinct states, and their ability to co-opt the immune environment.
Defining the Hallmarks of Metastasis - PMC
Metastasis is the primary cause of cancer morbidity and mortality. The process involves a complex interplay between intrinsic tumor cell properties as well as interactions between cancer cells and multiple microenvironments. The outcome is the development of a nearby or distant discontiguous secondary mass.
肿瘤种植转移 - 百度百科
种植转移是指 肿瘤细胞 在 黏膜 、 浆膜 或其他处转移生成的一种形式。 种植转移 (implantative metasta—sis) 浆膜面的转移以腹膜和胸膜为多见,其次可见于 蛛网膜下腔 、心包膜,极少见的为 睾丸鞘膜,有的作者称这种现象为浆膜癌症 (carcinomatosis)。 以往有人认为,它是浆膜下淋巴管丛所导致的浆膜转移。 目前多数作者认为,它是瘤细胞 (如胃癌、大肠癌)穿透脏器的浆膜,瘤细胞散布于腹膜腔,发生腹膜、网膜或脏器浆膜面的种植性转移。 很多腹膜、胸膜、脊膜及心包 …
Métastase : définition, symptômes, pronostic d'un cancer …
2021年1月28日 · Les cellules d'un cancer peuvent migrer et s'installer dans une autre partie du corps (foie, cerveau, poumon, os...) : c'est ce qu'on appelle des métastases. Quels symptômes en cas de cancer métastatique ? Quels sont les traitements les plus efficaces ? Le taux de survie ? Explications avec le Dr Paul Cottu, oncologue à l'Institut Curie.