Metris Model Vans - Mercedes-Benz Vans
Mercedes-Benz Metris vans are designed for flexibility – so you can use yours the way you want to. Each has Mercedes-Benz quality, connected technology, and advanced safety features.
2023 Passenger Van | Metris - Mercedes-Benz Vans
Explore the 2023 Metris Passenger Van features, specifications, packages, accessories and warranty information. Discover how the 2023 Metris Passenger Van brings best-in-class productivity to commercial vans.
奔驰商务界的V级、Metris和威霆怎么区分? - 知乎
2020年2月21日 · 奔驰Metris又叫奔驰维特斯,它和Vito最明显的区别就是一个是进口一个是国产,配置上基本是大同小异。Metris其实是2015年起,北美地区的叫法,国内平行进口一般都是美版和加版车型。
Used Mercedes-Benz Metris for Sale Near Me - Edmunds
Edmunds has 382 Used Mercedes-Benz Metrises for sale near you, including a 2016 Metris Cargo Minivan and a 2023 Metris Passenger Minivan ranging in price from $6,995 to $43,992.
2023 Mercedes-Benz Metris Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
The Mercedes-Benz Metris has served as a staple for shoppers who need a city van but want above average capability and craftsmanship.
Getaway | Metris - Mercedes-Benz Vans
The Metris Getaway Van is built on the tried-and-true Metris platform: tow rating of 5,000 lbs., excellent safety and fuel economy, up to 15,000-mile service intervals, ATTENTION ASSIST ®, Crosswind Assist, rearview camera, load adaptive ESP and ECO start/stop and much more.
详解奔驰最划算的商务车:Metris麦特斯(维特斯),价格不到埃 …
2018年10月11日 · 新款奔驰Metris豪华商务房车的驾驶舱内全新三幅式设计方向盘,集成诸多实用性功能按键,极具现代美学享受。 功能区按键分门别类,规制有序,却也丝毫不显庞杂,操作起来得心应手。
汽车之家Metris频道,提供Metris报价,奔驰在售Metris图片,奔驰全部Metris参数配置,Metris最新文章,保养周期及费用等最新信息,最精彩Metris汽车内容尽在汽车 ...
奔驰全新Metris,高端豪华MPV! - 知乎专栏
2020年6月1日 · 进口迈巴赫版奔驰metris搭载2.0T涡轮增压汽油发动机,最大输出功率212Ps,国五排放标准,与之匹配的是搭配7G-TRONIC PLUS七速手自一体变速系统,操控感及燃油经济性全面革新。