MFJ brings you the worldÂ’s smallest full power 150 Watt 80-6 Meter Antenna Tuner. Extra wide matching range lets you tune nearly any antenna. ItÂ’s no toy, its got guts! Built with real air variable capacitors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and three stacked powder iron toroids to handle real power …
MFJ 902B Travel Antenna Tuners MFJ-902B - DX Engineering
MFJ brings you the world's smallest 150 Watt 80-6 Meter Antenna Tuners! Their extra-wide matching range for a small tuner lets you tune nearly any antenna. It's no toy - it's got guts! They're built with real air variable capacitors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and three stacked powder iron toroids to handle real power -- not just QRP.
- 评论数: 4
The MFJ-902B Travel Antenna Tuner was specially compact-built for Icom IC-706MKIIG, Yaesu FT-100, Kenwood TS-50, and other rigs with a built-in SWR Meter. You can operate 80 through 6 Meters -- anywhere with any transceiver. It’s great for mobile, base, backpack, etc. The MFJ-902B handles 150 watts RF output and has a tuner bypass switch.
MFJ-902B Travel Antenna Tuner 6-80 Meters, 150W, Portable for …
2025年2月27日 · Full Power Performance : Handles up to 150W with real air variable capacitors (600V, 322 pF) and stacked powder iron toroids. Bypass Switch : Easily bypass the tuner when not in use.
人気の超小型チューナーMFJ-902B HF80-6mをカバー 見切り特価 …
人気の超小型チューナーmfj-902b hf80-6mをカバー 見切り特価品! mfj新型で6mを独立した小型チューナー。 バイパススイッチも装備. 内部はmfjらしいハイパワー対応構造
関連機器 > アンテナチューナー > 小型HFアンテナチューナーMFJ-902B
小型hfアンテナチューナーmfj-902b. 旅行用に最適、手のひらサイズのHFアンテナ・チューナー。 小型ながら3.5mhzから30mhzと50mhzにも対応! しかも耐入力は、150wpepまでok。
MFJ-902B - Antenna tuners - Dxsupply.com
MFJ brings you the world’s smallest full power 150 Watt 80-6 Meter Antenna Tuner. Extra wide matching range lets you tune nearly any antenna. It’s no toy, its got guts! Built with real air variable capacitors (600 Volt, 322 pF) and three stacked powder iron toroids to handle real power …
MFJ-902B Manual antenna tuner symm./longwire, 150W - WiMo
MFJ-902B compact tuner. Very small tuner without SWR meter, suitable for any rig with built-in SWR meter like IC-706, FT-8x7, FT-100 etc. Tunes 6 to 80m, max. 150W, with bypass switch. Dimensions 112 x 57 x 75mm.
MFJ-902B 150W 6 – 80 m Travel Tuner - Unicom Radio
With its extra wide matching range, the MFJ-902B allows you to tune nearly any antenna, ensuring optimal performance across a variety of frequencies. Built with real air variable capacitors boasting 600 Volt and 322 pF, as well as three stacked powder iron toroids, this tuner excels in delivering precise and efficient tuning capabilities.
Reviews For: MFJ-902 - eHam.net
One of the first things I did was try it on my various antennas and it tuned up easily and quickly on all bands that it covers. One of them is a 130 ft. inverted L that I use on 80, 40 and 30 meters and it tuned up on each of those bands without issue. I can tell that the MFJ-902 will be ideal for portable operation.